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Mr Barry McElduff MLA (Chairperson)
Mr Declan O’Loan MLA (Deputy Chairperson)
Lord Browne MLA
Mr Thomas Burns MLA
Mr William Humphrey MLA
Mr Billy Leonard MLA
Mr Kieran McCarthy MLA
Mr Raymond McCartney MLA
Mr David McClarty MLA
Mr Ken Robinson MLA

Mr David Hilditch MLA

In attendance:
Ms Lucia Wilson (Clerk)
Miss Emma Patton (Assistant Clerk)
Mr Jonathan Lamont (Clerical Supervisor)
Mr Chris Baird (Clerical Officer)

The meeting opened in public session at 10.35a.m.

1. Apologies

The apologies are noted above.

2. Draft Minutes of 7 October 2010

Agreed; The Committee agreed the minutes of the Committee meeting of 7 October 2010.

3. Matters Arising

The Committee noted the response from the Department in relation to the Olympics and Paralympic Strategy.

The Committee noted the response from the Department of Education regarding provision of Ulster Scots training.

The Committee noted the response from the Arts Council in relation to the Forum for Local Government Arts.

The Committee considered the tabled response from the Department in relation to Committee’s concerns over the late publication of the ALB’s Annual Accounting Reports.

Mr McCartney joined the meeting at 10.40a.m

Mr McClarty joined the meeting at 10.40a.m

Agreed; The Committee agreed to write to the Department requesting clarification on when the Annual Account Report for the N/S Language Body will be available for Committee scrutiny.

The Committee noted the tabled response from the Department in relation to figures given on to Committee on Stadia Development at the meeting of the 30 September 2010.

The Committee noted the tabled response from the Department clarifying figures provided on the projected declining allocations to the sponsored bodies.

4. Consideration of draft Committee response to Budget 2010 spending and savings plans

The Committee considered the draft response to Budget 2010 spending and savings plans.

Lord Browne joined the meeting at 10.50a.m

Agreed; The Committee agreed to return to consider the draft response at next week’s meeting, taking in to account amendments agreed.

5. Briefing from the Department of Culture, Arts and Leisure on the abolition of the Fisheries Conservancy Board

The Committee noted the following documentation:

  • The list of recommendations from the Committee’s 2001 Inquiry into inland fisheries in Northern Ireland, and;
  • DCAL’s briefing paper and additional information from DCAL following the briefing session with Ulster Angling Federation.

The following officials joined the meeting:

Karen Simpson, Head of Inland Fisheries Branch, DCAL

Marcus McAuley, Chief Fisheries Officer, DCAL

Mr Burns left the meeting at 11.10a.m

Mr O’Loan left the meeting at 11.10a.m

Mr O’Loan rejoined the meeting at 11.13a.m

Mr McCarthy left the meeting at 11.23am

Mr McCartney left the meeting at 11.23a.m

The officials made an opening statement.

A question and answer session followed.

Mr McCarthy rejoined the meeting at 11.25a.m

Mr Burns rejoined the meeting at 11.35a.m

Mr Burns left the meeting at 11.35a.m

Agreed; The Committee agreed to commission a research paper on the issues raised by DCAL officials and the representatives from Ulster Angling Federation on fisheries protection services in Northern Ireland.

Agreed; The Committee agreed to request additional information from DCAL on what actions have been taken to meet the recommendation from the Committee’s 2001 Inquiry into inland fisheries in Northern Ireland.

6. Chairperson’s Business

There was no Chairperson’s business.

7. Correspondence

The Committee considered the Ultach Trust letter regarding Funding of Irish Language Voluntary Sector.

Agreed; The Committee agreed to hear a briefing from the Ultach Trust on the Funding of the Irish Language Voluntary Sector at the Committee meeting of 18 November.

The Committee considered the memo from the OFMdFM Committee regarding meeting with Colette Bowe, OFCOM Chairperson.

Agreed; The Committee agreed that the Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson would meet informally with the OFCOM Chairperson in relation to the digital switchover.

The Committee noted to the memo from the OFMdFM Committee regarding the Investment Strategy for Northern Ireland – Investing in Activity Report.

8. Forward Work Programme

The Committee noted the forward work programme.

Agreed; The Committee agreed to the draft press release on the Committee visit and meeting to BEAM Creative Network, Donaghmore, due to take place at next week’s meeting.

The Committee was advised that the meeting of the 4 November 2010 will start at 10.00am and will be followed by a set visit to the Paint Hall where the ‘Game of Thrones’ is currently being filmed.

9. Any other business

There was no other business.

10. Date and time of the next meeting

The next meeting of the Committee for Culture, Arts and Leisure will take place on Thursday 21October 2010 at 10.30 a.m. in BEAM Creative Network, The Torrent Complex, 9 Hillview Avenue, Donaghmore, Co Tyrone.

The Chairperson adjourned the meeting at 11.54p.m

Mr Barry McElduff
Chairperson, Committee for Culture, Arts and Leisure
21 October 2010

07 October 10 / Menu

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