Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday, 3 January 2007 in Room 144, Parliament Buildings.

In the Chair: Francie Molloy

Present: Jeffrey Donaldson MP
Mark Durkan MP
Sir Reg Empey
Danny Kennedy
Philip McGuigan
John O’Dowd
Ian Paisley Jnr
Margaret Ritchie
Peter Robinson MP

In Attendance: Debbie Pritchard (Principal Clerk)
Damien Martin (Assembly Clerk)
Jim Beatty (Assistant Clerk)
Pauline Hunter (Clerical Officer)

Observing: Brian Barrington (SDLP Researcher)
Aidan McAteer (SF Researcher)
Michelle McDermott (SF Researcher)
Mark Neale (UUP Researcher)
Nuala O’Neill (SDLP Researcher)

The meeting commenced at 10.36am.

1. Apologies

Gerry Adams MP (Mr O’Dowd attended as SF representative in place of Mr Adams MP.)

Michelle Gildernew MP

David McClarty (Mr Kennedy attended as the UUP representative in place of Mr McClarty.)

Martin McGuinness MP (Mr McGuigan attended as SF representative in place of Mr McGuinness MP.)

2. Previous Minutes

The Committee agreed the minutes of the meeting of 18 December 2006.

3. Matters Arising

(a) Request for evidence in relation to victims and survivors issues

The Chairperson proposed that the Committee should consider the written evidence submitted before deciding on whether to take oral evidence. There was consensus and the proposal was agreed.

Mr Donaldson MP joined the meeting at 10.44am.

(b) Further consideration of Lifetime Opportunities strategy

The Chairperson proposed that the Committee should consider the written evidence submitted before deciding on whether to take oral evidence. There was consensus and the proposal was agreed.

Mr Donaldson MP left the meeting at 10.48am.

(c) Meeting with NIHRC

The Committee noted the e-mail of 21 December 2006 stating that the NIHRC was no longer seeking a meeting with the Committee.

(d) Letter from Secretary of State on provision of information to the Committee and its sub-groups

The Committee noted that it had not received a response to its letter to the Secretary of State regarding provision of information and advice by officials.

4. Ministerial Code

Rosalie Flanagan, Stewart Johnston and Tom Watson, officials from the Office of the First Minister and Deputy First Minister, joined the meeting at 10.50am and updated the Committee on proposed changes to the Ministerial Code.

The officials answered questions from the Committee on issues emerging from discussions with party advisers.

The officials agreed to submit a paper to the Committee outlining further proposals on the Ministerial Code before 22 January 2007 when they will return to discuss the issue with the Committee. The officials left the meeting at 11.04am.

5. Report from the sub-group on economic issues on the sub-group’s enquiries into the proposed Irish Government financial package for Northern Ireland

Alan Patterson (Principal Clerk) and Victor Hewitt (specialist adviser) joined the meeting at 11.05am.

The Committee considered the draft report and its recommendations.

Mr Paisley left the meeting at 11.12am.

Mr Robinson proposed an amendment to recommendation 4 and paragraph 51 of the report. There was consensus and the proposal was agreed.

The Chairperson proposed that the Committee should agree the report as amended. There was consensus and the proposal was agreed

Mr Paisley rejoined the meeting at 11.35am.

6. Report from the sub-group on economic issues on the Chancellor’s economic package and on alternative proposals

Following discussion, the Chairperson proposed that detailed consideration of the draft report and its recommendations should be deferred to 8 January 2007. There was consensus and the proposal was agreed.

Mr Donaldson MP rejoined the meeting at 11.51am.

Mr Robinson proposed that the Committee should issue the letter at Annex C of the sub-group’s report to the Chancellor and copy it to the Secretary of State. There was consensus and the proposal was agreed.

Mr Donaldson MP and Mr McGuigan left the meeting at 11.59am.

The Chairperson proposed that the Committee should note the resolution approved by the Assembly on 18 December 2006 in relation to financial investment in services as identified in the Bamford Review and agree that this should be a priority for a restored Executive. There was consensus and the proposal was agreed.

7. AOB

(a) Letter from the sub-group on Policing and Justice

The Chairperson proposed that the sub-group’s request for an extension to 17 January 2007, in light of the letter received from the Secretary of State, should be agreed. There was consensus and the proposal was agreed.

(b) Letter from the sub-group on Schools Admission Policy

The Chairperson proposed that the sub-group’s request for an extension to 17 January 2007 should be agreed. There was consensus and the proposal was agreed.

Mr Donaldson MP rejoined the meeting at 12.05pm.

(c) Forward Work Programme

The Committee noted the revised Committee work programme.

(d) Press Release

The Chairperson proposed that the draft Press Release should be issued. There was consensus and the proposal was agreed.

8. Next Meeting

The Committee will next meet at 1.00pm on Monday, 8 January 2007 in Room 144, Parliament Buildings.

The meeting adjourned at 12.10pm.

18 December / Menu / 8 January