Item 3: Order Paper 10/06 (T.A.) – 15 January 2007

Motion: Affordable Housing
Amendment 1:

Proposed: Delete all after ‘crisis;’ and insert:

‘and the serious under-provision of social housing due to lack of investment and the absence of any strategy; notes the deliberations by the committee chaired by Sir John Semple; and calls on an incoming Executive to make social and affordable housing an urgent priority, and for the development of a strategic response, including action to end homelessness by 2010, and to bring vacant properties back into use to address the unmet need in the provision of social and affordable housing.’

[Mr F McCann]
[12 January 2007]

Motion: Rural Schools
Amendment 1:

Proposed: Leave out ‘where possible’ and insert:

‘based on quality of educational provision rather than pupil numbers’

[Mr D Bradley]
[Mr J Dallat]
[11 January 2007]