Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday, 18 January 2007 in Room 144, Parliament Buildings.

In the Chair: Thomas O’Reilly

Present: Thomas Burns
George Dawson
Michelle Gildernew MP
Mitchel McLaughlin
David McNarry

In Attendance: Alan Patterson (Principal Clerk)
Shane McAteer (Clerk)
Colin Jones (Assistant Clerk)
Trevor Allen (Clerical Supervisor)
Graham Gudgin (Economic Adviser)
Victor Hewitt (Economic Research Institute of NI)

The meeting commenced at 10.39am in closed session.

1. Apologies

Dr McDonnell MP – (Mr Burns deputised for Dr McDonnell).
Mr Robinson MP.

2. Draft Minutes of the Meeting of 21 December 2006

These were agreed for publication on the Assembly website.

3. Matters Arising

Members noted that Maria Eagle, MP was unable to meet with the sub-group in January, but that David Hanson, MP, Minister of Finance and Personnel would attend today’s meeting to discuss the Government’s response to the three reports on the economic challenges facing Northern Ireland, which were published by the Preparation for Government Committee.

It was noted that the Minister would be supported by senior officials from various Departments and would field questions on all aspects of the recommendations in the reports. Mr McNarry asked for his disappointment regarding Maria Eagle’s unavailability and the absence of officials from the Department of Education at today’s meeting, to be recorded in the minutes.

It was agreed that the meeting with the Minister should be in open session and recorded by Hansard.

The sub-group agreed to report to the Programme for Government (PfG) Committee on its follow up to the Government’s response to the three reports on the economic challenges facing Northern Ireland, including the outcome of today’s meeting with the Minister. Members also agreed to hold a short meeting on Tuesday 23 January 2007 to consider the draft report on this matter.

Ms Gildernew joined the meeting at 10.46am.

Members noted that PfG had agreed, subject to some minor amendments, the sub-group’s report on its enquiries into the proposed Irish Government package and the report on the Chancellor’s economic package and counter proposals. In this regard, Members noted correspondence from PfG to the Irish Government and HM Treasury.

Members noted a response from the sub-group on Schools Admission Policy in relation to a call for an additional £20m for education.

4. Briefing from Economic Advisers

Members were briefed by the economic advisers on the Government’s response to the three reports on the economic challenges facing NI.

5. Evidence Session with David Hanson, MP, Minister of Finance and Personnel and Supporting Departmental Officials

The meeting continued in open session at 11.00am. The evidence session was recorded by Hansard.

Members took evidence from the following:

The meeting was suspended at 12.25pm.
The meeting resumed in closed session at 12.40pm.

6. Sub-group’s Draft Report to PfG on Follow Up to Government Responses

Members considered the first draft of the report and agreed some general areas for amendment. It was agreed that the wording of any further amendments proposed by Members would be sent to the Clerk by Noon on Monday 22 January 2007 and that a further draft of the report, together with any proposed amendments from Members, would be considered at the next meeting.

7. Any Other Business

Members noted a response on behalf of the sub-group to a recent Freedom of Information request received by PfG.

Members considered and agreed a press release for issue in relation to today’s meeting.

8. Date, Time and Place of Next Meeting

The next meeting of the sub-group was arranged for Tuesday 23 January 2007 at 1.00pm in Room 135, Parliament Buildings.

The meeting adjourned at 1.00pm.