Commission for the Transitional Assembly

The Secretary of State is required by paragraph 7 of Schedule 1 to the Northern Ireland (St Andrews Agreement) Act 2006 to secure the provision for the Transitional Assembly of staff, the use of premises and other facilities as he thinks appropriate.

Further, while the Northern Ireland Assembly is suspended, the functions of the Assembly Commission are discharged by the Secretary of State by virtue of Paragraph 8(2) of the Schedule to the Northern Ireland Act 2000.

To advise and assist him in the discharge of his duties, the Secretary of State has asked the Speaker of the Transitional Assembly to establish a Commission for the Transitional Assembly.

The Commission for the Transitional Assembly terms of reference are:

  1. to prepare and implement a work programme agreed by the Secretary of State;
  2. to support the Transitional Assembly by ensuring the provision of sufficient staff and property;
  3. to prepare plans and to take such action in accordance with the agreed Work Programme as is necessary and appropriate to ensure the provision of effective administrative support to a future Northern Ireland Assembly;
  4. to provide advice to the Secretary of State on such matters and at such times as he may require; and
  5. to provide guidance to the Clerk to the Assembly in relation to the day-to-day business of the Assembly Secretariat.

The Commission will advise the Secretary of State of its views on key decisions that he may be required to take on policies and business areas relating to the operation of the Transitional Assembly, or on such other issues as he may refer to the Commission.

The Speaker shall make a report to the Secretary of State on the business of the Commission at such times as the Secretary of State may request.


The Commission for the Transitional Assembly is chaired by the Speaker and additionally consists of one representative of each Party with two or more seats in the Assembly.


Stephen Moutray


Sue Ramsey


Reverend Robert Coulter


Alban Maginness


Sean Neeson