The meeting began at 1.10 pm

Present: The Speaker (Chair)
Mr B Armstrong
Mr J Dallat
Mr S Gardiner
Mr K McCarthy
Dr W McCrea
Dr A McDonnell
Mr P McGuigan
Lord Morrow
Mr C Murphy

Present (secretariat): Mr A Moir The Clerk
Mr J Reynolds Deputy Clerk

In attendance: Mr P Moore Clerk of Business
Ms C McGivern Director of Legal Services
Ms F Leneghan Assistant Private Secretary to
the Speaker

Observers: Mr F Molloy Deputy Speaker
Mr N Jackson OFMDFM

1. Introduction

1.1 The Speaker welcomed Mr Gardiner to his first meeting of the Committee.

1.2 The Speaker advised members of the arrangements for Mr David Ervine’s funeral, and reported that her office would discuss, with the late Member’s family and party colleagues, arrangements for any memorial service that may be held.

2. Minutes of the meeting held on 3 January 2007

2.1 The minutes of the meeting held on 3 January were agreed and were signed by the Speaker.

3. Matters Arising

3.1 The Speaker, referring to paragraphs 3.2 to 3.6 of the minutes (Chamber etiquette), thanked members for their support in securing improvements in certain areas. She expressed her disappointment, however, at the interruptions at the conclusion of the first debate on Monday 8 January. The Speaker asked members to remind their colleagues that there should be no interruptions or distractions while the Speaker is addressing the Chamber, and that they should wait until the Speaker has sat down before leaving the Chamber. The Speaker emphasised the importance of establishing good practice for future Assembly arrangements.

4. Arrangements for plenary meetings during week commencing 15 January 2007

4.1 Members agreed that four motions should be scheduled for debate over two days. Members also agreed that the later start (at Noon) on a Monday should continue.

4.2 Mr McCarthy proposed that the motion on affordable housing, in the names of Mr McGlone and Mr Burns, should be scheduled for debate.

4.3 Dr McCrea proposed that the motion on rural schools, in the names of Lord Morrow and Mrs Foster, should be scheduled for debate.

4.4 Mr Murphy proposed that the motion on social disadvantage and educational attainment, in the name of Mr McElduff, should be scheduled for debate.

4.5 Mr Armstrong proposed that the motion on the Bain Report, in the name of Mr McNarry, should be scheduled for debate.

4.6 Mr Dallat proposed that the motion on Sudan, in the name of Ms Hanna, be scheduled for debate.

4.7 It was agreed unanimously that, on the understanding that the motion on the Bain Report should be scheduled for debate during the following week, the remaining four motions should be scheduled.

4.8 Members agreed to allocate 2 ½ hours to each of two debates (affordable housing and rural schools) on Monday 15 January, commencing at noon. Members further agreed that the motions on social disadvantage and Sudan should be debated for two hours each on Tuesday 16 January, commencing at 10.30 am and 2 pm respectively.

4.9 Members agreed that, for all four debates, speaking times should be limited to 15 minutes for the Member proposing and winding each motion, and 10 minutes for all other contributions.

5. Any Other Business

5.1 Mr McCarthy expressed a concern that the debate on agriculture (on Monday 8 January) was well underway before members of the public gained access to the Gallery. Lord Morrow observed that after an initial number of people had gained access, others appeared to have been allowed access periodically and in groups. The Speaker reminded members that public access was not permitted until after ‘Prayers’. Dr McDonnell suggested that, where a high public attendance was anticipated, members of the public might be screened and cleared through security before Prayers, allowing access immediately afterwards. The Speaker undertook to put members’ comments to the relevant officials, and that a short paper would be made available to members at the next meeting of the Business Committee.

5.2 Mr Armstrong asked for information on the latest possible date for plenary business in the Transitional Assembly before the election. He was informed that the final plenary could be held on Tuesday 30 January.

6. Date and time of next meeting

6.1 Members agreed to meet at 12.30 pm on Tuesday 16 January 2007 in Room 106 Parliament Buildings.

The Speaker brought the meeting to a close at 1.40 pm.

The Speaker

3 January / Menu