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Mr Willie Clarke (Deputy Chairperson in the Chair)
Mr Allan Bresland
Mr Francie Brolly
Rev Robert Coulter
Mr David Hilditch
Mr Paul Maskey
Mr Alastair Ross
Mr Brian Wilson

In Attendance:
Mr John Torney (Principal Clerk)
Mr Paul Gill (Assembly Clerk)
Ms Hilary Bogle (Assistant Clerk)
Miss Carla Campbell (Clerical Supervisor)
Mr Lindsay Dundas (Clerical Officer)

Mrs Carmel Hanna

The meeting commenced at 2.04pm in public session.

Chairperson’s Introduction

The Chairperson welcomed Members to the meeting and informed Members that Mr Jonathan Craig will be replacing Mr Alex Easton as a member of the Committee.

Agreed: Members agreed that a letter should be written to Mr Easton thanking him for his valuable contribution to the work of the Committee and wishing him well in the future.

The Chairperson also welcomed Mr John Torney, Principal Clerk to the meeting.

1. Apologies

Apologies are detailed above.

2. Declaration of Interests

The Chairperson reminded Members of their obligation to declare any relevant pecuniary or other interests before and during each Committee meeting.

3. Draft minutes of the meeting held on 10 th September 2008

The draft minutes of the meeting held on 10 th September 2008 were approved by the Committee.

Proposed: Mr David Hilditch

Seconded: Mr Alastair Ross.

4. Matters Arising

Agreed: Members agreed that the Interim Commissioner’s Periodic Report should be published on the Assembly website.

2.10pm Mr Brian Wilson joined the meeting.

2.10pm The Committee went into closed session.

5. Report by the Interim Commissioner for Standards on a complaint against Mr Basil McCrea MLA

Members considered the Committee’s draft Report on a complaint by Carál Ní Chuilín MLA against Basil McCrea MLA.

Agreed: Members agreed the Report for publication.

2.14pm The Committee returned to public session.

6. Review of the Code and Guide

Members noted the background paper prepared by the Clerk.

Agreed: Members agreed the forward work programme for the Review of the Code and Guide as outlined in the background paper.

9. Any other business

Members considered an application form for an All Party Assembly Group on Rural Sustainability.

It was noted that Mr Allan Bresland, Mr Francie Brolly and Mr George Savage are members of the Group.

Agreed: Members agreed that the All Party Assembly Group on Rural Sustainability be registered and approved.

Members discussed the issue of how a complaint against an MLA could be dealt with should the Assembly go into suspension.

Agreed: Members agreed that the Clerk should look at previous advice on this issue and report back to the Committee at a future meeting.

10. Date, time and place of next meeting.

The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, 24 th September 2008 at 2.00pm in Room 135 Parliament Buildings.

The Chairperson adjourned the meeting at 2.22pm.

Mrs Carmel Hanna MLA
Chairperson, Committee on Standards and Privileges.
Wednesday 24th September 2008.

10 September 08 / Menu