Northern Ireland Assembly Flax Flower Logo


Mr F Cobain (Chairman)
Mr G Kelly (Deputy Chairperson)
Mr B Hutchinson
Mr M Robinson
Mr E ONeill
Mr J Tierney

Ms M Gildernew
Sir J Gorman

In Attendance:
Mr S Graham
Mr L McLernon
Miss K Kelly
Miss F Douglas
Miss A Montgomery
Mr J McVey

Mr Cobain took the Chair at 2.16 p.m.

Private Session

  1. Minutes of the meeting held on the 23 May.
  2. The minutes of the meeting were agreed.

  3. Forward Plan of Business
  4. The Committee noted the Forward Plan of Business.

  5. Subordinate Legislation - Proposal
  6. Agreed: The Committee was content with the Department's proposal to make a Statutory Rule in respect of the following:-

    The Social Security (Students and Income-Related Benefits Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2002

    Mr E ONeill joined the meeting at 2.30 p.m.

    Public Session

  7. Essential Skills for Living
  8. Mr John McVey, Researcher, spoke to the Paper with specific reference to areas of relevance to the Social Development Committee.

    The Chairman thanked Mr McVey for his presentation and he left the meeting at 2.38 p.m.

  9. The Way Forward on Housing Finance: The New Approach.
  10. Miss Alison Montgomery, Senior Researcher, spoke to the Paper outlining the recent proposals for alternative approaches to housing finance. Miss Montgomery undertook to identify successful models in GB.

    The Committee noted an associated letter from the Minister for Social Development and concluded that it would not be appropriate to pursue the matter in Northern Ireland, at this time.

  11. Chartered Institute of Housing Conference & Exhibition
  12. The Members noted the Conference will take place in Harrogate from June 10 to June 14 and agreed that up to 2 Committee members be given approval to attend. The Clerk was asked to liaise with Members to arrange details of attendance.

  13. Fraud Sub-Committee Second Report
  14. The Committee noted the fraud Sub-Committee report.

  15. Investing in Partnership: Government grants to Voluntary & Community Bodies
  16. The Committee noted the report and associated Press Release.

  17. Social Security Agency to Reorganise Pension Services
  18. The Committee noted correspondence about the administration of Retirement Pension and State Pension Credit and the recommendation that it should be a co-located service delivered from 2 sites, with one based in Belfast and the second west of the Bann.

    The Clerk was asked to ascertain more details of the location of the proposed centre, west of the Bann.

    Private Session

  19. Draft Homelessness Report
  20. The Committee completed the first reading of the Draft Homelessness Report and the Clerk was asked to include agreed amendments for a final reading at the Committee meeting

    on Thursday 6 June.

    Mr M Robinson left the meeting at 3.14 p.m.
    Mr M Robinson joined the meeting at 3.30 p.m.

  21. Any Other Business
  22. Meeting with The Speaker to discuss Primary and Secondary Legislation

    Members agreed the letter from the Chairman to the Speaker requesting a meeting to discuss concerns the Committee has regarding its role in scrutinising legislation.

    Social Security Fraud Act (Northern Ireland) 2001 - Summary of responses to the public consultation on the draft statutory Code of Practice on Obtaining Information

    The Committee noted the letter from the Department, dated 17 May, and was content regarding the summary of responses to the public consultation exercise.

    Parents And Professionals Autism (PAPA)

    Members noted the letter from PAPA, dated 20 May.

    The Clerk was asked to obtain a copy of the briefing paper mentioned in the letter.

    Definition of a 'village', a 'town' and a 'city.

    The Committee noted the letter from the Department, dated 21 May, advising there is no definition of the terms 'city', 'town', and 'village' and the work being carried out by a cross-Departmental group charged with the task of ensuring a common approach to inter-departmental statistical issues.

    The Clerk was asked to ensure the Department keep the Committee informed regarding the findings of the working group.

    Landlord's Association of Northern Ireland meeting with the NIHE

    Members noted the letter from Mr Paddy McIntyre Chief Executive NIHE, dated 22 May, concerning a meeting with LANI and the associated minutes and decided no further action was necessary.

    Committee for Social Development Outturn Report April 01 / March 02

    Members noted the Outturn Report and agreed it be published on the Committee's web site.

    Reinvestment and Reform Initiative and Executive Programme Funds Bids

    The Committee noted the letter and application details from the Minister, dated 28 May.

    Departmental Press Releases

    Members noted the Statistical Press Release Northern Ireland Client Group Analysis and the Press Release concerning the North Belfast Action Project Report.

    The Committee agreed that the Minister be asked to provide copies of the Report and if he will be consulting with the Committee about his intentions.

  23. Date of Next Meeting
  24. The next Committee meeting will be at 2.00 p.m. on Thursday 6 June in Room 144 Parliament Buildings.

    Mr F Cobain
    May 2002

28 May 2002 / Menu / 6 June 2002