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AT 2.00 PM ON THURSDAY 2 MAY 2002.

Present: Mr G Kelly (Deputy Chairperson)
Mr J Tierney
Sir J Gorman
Mr B Hutchinson
Mr M Robinson
Mr E ONeill

Apologies: Mr F Cobain (Chairman)
Ms M Gildernew
Mr S Wilson
Mr T Hamilton

In Attendance: Mr S Graham
Mr L McLernon
Miss K Kelly
Mr B Green

Mr Kelly took the Chair at 2.17 p.m.

Private Session

1. Minutes of the meeting held on the 25th April.

The minutes of the meeting were agreed.

2. Forward Plan of Business

Members noted the updated Forward Plan of Business.

The Committee agreed that the informal training on the handling of the Committee Stage of Legislation should proceed on Monday 13 May at midday.

Following a request from Mr ONeill the Committee agreed to seek to debate the Report on Homelessness after 21 May.

3. Matters Arising

SR No. 105 / 2002 The Social Security (Work Focused Interviews for Lone Parents Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2002

The Committee noted the letter of clarification from the Department, dated 24 April.

Report of the Examiner of Statutory Rules Dated 26 April 2002.

Members noted that the Examiner of Statutory rules had brought to the attention of the Assembly and the Committee two Rules which have broken the 21 day rule:

Occupational and Personal Pension Schemes (Bankruptcy) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2002 - SR No. 127 / 2002.


Social Security (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2002 - SR No. 128 / 2002-05-01

The Committee noted that, in both cases, the Department for Social Development had explained the breaches on the basis of parity with the corresponding regulations in Great Britain. The Department made the regulations within a day of the Regulations being made in Great Britain.

Public Session

4. Subordinate Legislation - SR No. 97 / 2002

The Deputy Chairperson welcomed the following Officials to the meeting at 2.30 p.m.

DSD Officials: Mr John O'Neill
Miss Joan Crabb

Mr O'Neill made a presentation to the Committee. The Paper presented is at Annex A.

Mr E ONeill left the meeting at 2.50 p.m.

The Deputy Chairperson thanked the officials and they left at 2.54 p.m.

Sunday Mirror Article concerning SR No. 97 / 2002

The Committee noted the article published by the Sunday Mirror, 28 April.

Following discussion, Members agreed to defer a decision on responding to the article until 9 May. The Clerk was asked to prepare draft papers for consideration.

Letter concerning SR No.97 / 2002.

Members noted the letter, dated 29 April, which raised concerns regarding the impact of SR No. 97 / 2002 and agreed the terms of the reply subject to two amendments.

5. Child Support Agency - Strategic & Business Plan 2002/2003

Members noted the Strategic and Business Plan and related correspondence from the Chief Executive of the Agency. It was agreed the Chairman should write to the Minister on a number of points including the need for 3 monthly progress reports.

6. Social Security Agency - Strategic & Business Plan 2002/2003

Members noted the Strategic and Business Plan and agreed that the Chairman should write to the Minister on a number of points including the need for 3 monthly progress reports.

7. Social Security Fraud Act (Northern Ireland) 2001

The Committee noted the summary of responses to the public consultation on the draft Code of Practice on Obtaining Information. Members fully supported the responses and recommended that they be included in the Code of Practice.

The Clerk was asked to write to the Department expressing concern that the Committee's extensive involvement in the development of the Code has not been acknowledged.

8. IAVI Plenary Discussion "The Role of Property in Promoting the Economy"

The Committee noted the invitation to attend the plenary discussion 'The Role of Property in Promoting the Economy' as part of the Irish Auctioneers and Valuers Institute Symposium in Belfast on Friday 17th and Saturday 18th May in the Eropa Hotel, Belfast. No Member expressed interest in attending and the Clerk was asked to write accordingly.

Private Session

9. Any Other Business

CIH Northern Ireland Branch Conference 2nd - 3rd May 2002

The Committee noted the invite from the Chartered Institute of Housing to the conference.

Members agreed Ms Gildernew should attend as a representative of the Committee.

Committee for Employment and Learning - Housing Bill

The Committee noted the letter from Dr Esmond Birnie, dated 25 April, requesting information in regard of the Housing Bill. Members agreed the request be forwarded to the Department.

Committee for Employment and Learning - Housing Inquiry (Homelessness)

Members noted the letter from the Deputy Chairman Committee for Employment and Learning, dated 29 April, and the letter to Dr Esmond Birnie from the Minister for Employment and Learning, dated 16 April, in which the Minister for Employment and Learning gave a commitment to participate in the PSI working group on Homelessness.

Department for Employment and Learning consultation document on 'Essential Skills for Living' Strategy.

The Committee noted the letter from Dr Esmond Birnie, dated 29 April, requesting the Committee's comments concerning the document.

Members agreed that research be commissioned to establish areas relevant to Social Development.

10. Date of Next Meeting

The next Committee meeting will be at 2.00 p.m. on Thursday 9 May in Room 144 Parliament Buildings.

Mr G Kelly
May 2002

25 April 2002 / Menu / 9 May 2002