Northern Ireland Assembly Flax Flower Logo



Mr E ONeill
Mr J Tierney
Mr B Hutchinson
Mr M Robinson
Sir J Gorman
Mr G Kelly


Mr F Cobain (Chairman)
Ms M Gildernew (Deputy Chairperson)
Mr D O'Connor
Mr S Wilson

In Attendance: Mr S Graham
Mr L McLernon
Mrs Janette Anderson
Miss F Douglas
Miss A Montgomery
Mr G Harbison

Private Session

The Committee Clerk took the Chair at 2.20 p.m. and called for a Member to speak.

Mr B Hutchinson moved "That Mr E ONeill do take the Chair of the Committee"

The Clerk asked for a seconder to the motion.

Mr J Tierney seconded the proposal.

The Clerk asked for any other nominations. There were no other nominations.

The Clerk put to the Members "The question is that Mr E ONeill takes the Chair" The Committee agreed the question.

Mr E ONeill took the Chair at 2.22 p.m.

Public Session

1. Housing Inquiry (Homelessness) Oral Evidence By Northern Ireland Housing Executive

The Chairman welcomed representatives from Northern Ireland Housing Executive to the meeting at 2.24 p.m.

In attendance:

Mr Paddy McIntyre - Chief Executive

Mr Colm McCaughley - Director Client Services

Mr Stephen Graham - Assistant Director Homelessness

Mr G Kelly joined the meeting at 2.45 p.m.

The representatives from Northern Ireland Housing Executive made a presentation to the Committee and a question and answer session followed.

The discussions are recorded separately in verbatim minutes of evidence.

The Chairperson thanked the members of Northern Ireland Housing Executive and they left at 3.24p.m.

Private Session

2. Minutes of the meeting held on 14 February and 19 February

The minutes of the meetings were agreed.

3. Matters Arising

Housing Bill Department's Proposed Consultation List

Following discussion the Committee asked that the Clerk should write to the Department drawing attention to anomalies in the list.


Members asked the Clerk to prepare a submission to the Select Committee from the House of Lords for consideration at a future meeting of the Committee.

4. Subordinate Legislation - Proposals

John O'Neill and Doreen Roy, officials from the Department for Social Development, appeared before the Committee to explain the basis for the proposal for the Social Security (Guardian's Allowances) (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2003. Officials confirmed that the proposal represented an easement of existing arrangements and that one year was the least possible definition of 'long-term'.
Agreed: The Committee was content with the Department's proposal to make a Statutory Rule in respect of the following: -

The Social Security (Guardian's Allowances) (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2003.

The Social Security (War Pension Disregard Amendments) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2002.

The Income Support (General) (Standard Interest Rate Amendment No.2) Regulations (Northern
Ireland) 2002.

The Occupational Pensions (Winding Up Notices and Records Etc.) Regulations

The Social Security (Claims and Payments) (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2002.

The Social Security (Incapacity) (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2002.

Mr J Tierney left the meeting at 3.45 p.m.

5. Towards Supporting People

The Committee considered 3 options for a Committee Motion in relation to Towards Supporting People and dismissed option 3.

Following further discussions regarding the selection of the Motion it was proposed by Mr B Hutchinson that Motion 1 be chosen, seconded by Mr M Robinson

The Committee divided on Motion Number 1  2 Ayes, 4 Noes

It was proposed by Sir J Gorman That Motion 2 be chosen, seconded by Mr G Kelly

The Committee divided on Motion Number 2  4 Ayes, 2 Noes

The Committee agreed Motion Number 2:

'That this Assembly expresses serious concern about the implications of introducing a new system for funding housing support costs and calls on the Minister for Social Development to secure commitments from the Executive to ensure that financial allocations for the "Towards Supporting People Fund", due to be introduced in April 2003, are guaranteed and will be maintained at levels not less than currently provided through Housing Benefit.'

The Clerk was asked to arrange for the Motion for debate to be tabled at the earliest available date.

6. A Framework for Developing Northern Ireland's Participation In The European Union
Mr J Tierney joined the meeting at 3.52 p.m.
The Committee discussed the Framework for Developing Northern Ireland's Participation In The European Union.
The Clerk was asked to reply outlining the Committee's agreement to the Framework proposals.

7. Review of Public Administration
The Chairman referred Members to the letter from OFMDFM , the Draft Terms of Reference and Parameters for the Review of Public Administration. The Committee noted the Motion would be debated on Monday, 25 February.
The Clerk was asked to prepare a brief for the Chairman to speak in the debate on Behalf of the Committee and to respond formally thereafter to OFMDFM.

8. Regional Transportation Strategy

Members agreed that research be initiated concerning the Regional Transportation Strategy to identify areas of interest to the Committee with particular reference to the need to ensure accessible public transport for the less well off in society and integrated planning for housing and transportation.
The Clerk was asked to make the appropriate arrangements.

9. Any Other Business
Housing Bill
Members noted that the Minister will be answering oral questions on Monday 25 February, concerning when the Housing Bill will be brought forward.
The Chairman advised the Committee that the 7 March was the tentative date for the informal meeting between the Minister, Department Officials and the Committee.
The Clerk was asked to confirm arrangements with the Department.

Racial Equality in Housing and Accommodation - Code of Practice
The Chairman referred the Committee to the draft reply to the Equality Commission Northern Ireland.
Members agreed to advise the Clerk of any amendments.
MR G Kelly left the meeting at 4.10 p.m.

Clerks report of Visit to Dublin
The Clerk provided the Committee with a detailed report on his recent visit to Dublin in relation to Homelessness and the Travelling Community.
The Committee agreed the visit take place and asked the Clerk to make the appropriate arrangements.

Taskforce on Employment and Long -Term Unemployment
Members noted the letter from the Chairman Committee for Employment and learning, informing the Committee for Enterprise, Trade and investment that evidence would be taken from the Chairmen of the two West Belfast Economic Taskforces.

Review of the Effectiveness of the Civil Service
Members noted the letter from Mr Gerry Loughran to the Speaker concerning the Review and agreed the Chairman should participate on behalf of the Committee.

10. Date of Next Meeting
The next Committee meeting will be at 2.00 p.m. on Tuesday 26 February in Room 135, Parliament Buildings.


19 February 2002 / Menu / 26 February 2002