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Present: Mr F Cobain (Chairman)
Ms M Gildernew (Deputy Chairperson)
Mr E ONeill
Mr G Kelly
Mr T Hamilton
Mr J Tierney
Mr S Wilson
Mr B Hutchinson

Apologies: Sir J Gorman
Mr M Robinson
Mr D O'Connor

In Attendance: Mr S Graham
Mr L McLernon
Mrs Janette Anderson
Miss F Douglas

Mr Cobain took the chair at 2.10 p.m.

Private Session

  1. Minutes of the meeting held on 24 January 2002.
  2. The minutes of the meeting were agreed.

  3. Matters Arising
  4. Bids for Additional Resources: December Monitoring

    The Committee noted the terms of the letter, dated 29 January 2002, from the Department about bids for additional resources. The Clerk was asked to discuss with the Department if the timing of the provision of this information could be improved.

    Child Support Reform Information Pack

    The Committee noted the Child Support Reform Information Pack as supplied by the Chief Executive of the Child Support Agency.

    Timetable of the Housing Inquiry (Homelessness) Oral Sessions

    Members agreed the timetable of oral evidence sessions in relation to the second phase of the Housing Inquiry (Homelessness) and that the first session would be held, in public, on Tuesday 5 February at 2.00 p.m. in Room 135.

  5. Subordinate Legislation - Proposal
  6. Agreed: The Committee was content with the Department's proposal to make Statutory Rule in respect of the following-

    The Social Security (Attendance Allowance and Disability Living Allowance) (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2002.

  7. Laganside Corporation: Quinquennial Review
  8. Members noted the letter from the Minister, dated 22 January and agreed that the Minister should be invited to a future meeting to discuss appointments to the Board of the Laganside Corporation.

  9. Tudor Renewal Area Residents' Association
  10. The Committee noted the letter from the Tudor Renewal Area Residents' Association concerning the North Belfast Mission Housing Society Scheme, Methodist Church / Tennent Street Site. It was agreed that the Chairman and Mr Hutchinson should meet with representatives of the Association and report back to the Committee. The Clerk was asked to make the necessary arrangements.

    The Committee further agreed that it should concentrate on strategic policy, legislation and budgetary matters.

    Public Session

  11. Housing Support (Northern Ireland) Bill
  12. The Chairman welcomed the following officials to the meeting at 2.33 p.m.

    DSD Officials: Mr Jerome Burns
    Ms Dolores Ferran

    Mr Burns made a presentation to the Committee and a question and answer session followed. The discussions are recorded separately in verbatim minutes of evidence

    The Committee agreed that a further session with Departmental officials would be necessary and the Clerk was asked to make the appropriate arrangements.

    The Chairman thanked the officials and they left the meeting at 3.10.p.m.

    Mr B Hutchinson left the meeting at 3.12 p.m.

  13. Neighbourhood Renewal Strategy
  14. The Chairman welcomed the following officials and Dr Brendan Murtagh to the meeting at 3.15. p.m.

    DSD Officials: Mr John Hunter
    Mrs Pauline Keegan
    Mr Gary McAlorum

    Mr T Hamilton joined the meeting at 3.19 p.m.
    Mr S Wilson left the meeting at 3.22 p.m.

    Mr Hunter made a presentation to the Committee and a question and answer session followed. The discussions are recorded separately in verbatim minutes of evidence.

    Mr J Tierney left the meeting at 3.50 p.m.

    The Chairman thanked the officials and Dr Murtagh, they then left at 3.57 p.m.

  15. Amendments to The 1996 Clubs Order and Accounts Regulations

    The Chairman welcomed the following officials to the meeting at 3.59 p.m.

  16. DSD Officials: Mr Gordon Gibson
    Mr Ivan McMaster

    Mr Gibson made a brief presentation to the Committee and a question and answer session followed. The discussions are recorded separately in verbatim minutes of evidence.

    The Chairman thanked the officials and they left at 4.22 p.m.

    Private Session

  17. Any Other Business
  18. Common Ground Conference

    The Committee noted details of the Common Ground Conference, a two day conference to explore and compare fuel poverty policy and practice in Ireland, North and South. The Conference is scheduled for the 27 and 28 March.

    Members were asked to let the Clerk know, by 7 February if they were interested in attending.

    Launch of Report on Lifetime Homes in Northern Ireland

    Members noted a Report on Lifetime Homes by the Chartered Institute of Housing in Northern Ireland, would be launched at 11.00 a.m. Monday 4 February, in the Long Gallery, Stormont.

    Parliamentary Warm Home Group

    The Committee noted the National Energy Association had arranged visit of the Parliamentary Warm Home Group, to Stormont, at 11.30 a.m. Thursday 7 February, in the Long Gallery.

  19. Date of Next Meeting
  20. The next Committee meeting will be at 2.00 p.m. on Tuesday 5 February in Room 135, Parliament Buildings.



24 January 2002 / Menu / 5 February 2002