Northern Ireland Assembly Flax Flower Logo

AT 2.00 PM ON Thursday, 8 November 2001.

Mr F Cobain (Chairman)
Ms M Gildernew (Deputy Chairperson)
Sir J Gorman
Mr E ONeill
Mr M Robinson
Mr J Tierney
Mr S Wilson
Mr T Hamilton

Mr G Kelly
Mr D O'Connor

In Attendance:
Mr S Graham
Mr L McLernon
Miss F Douglas
Ms A Montgomery

Mr Cobain took the chair at 2.23 p.m.

Private Session

  1. Minutes of the meeting held on 25 October 2001.
  2. The minutes of the meeting were agreed.

  3. Matters Arising
  4. NIHE Loans

    Members noted that a letter has been sent to the Minister for Social Development about the Committee's concerns and urging action to have loans re-negotiated at keener rates of interest.

    Service Delivery Agreements (SDA)

    The Chairman referred the Members to a letter from Nigel Dodds, Minister for Social Development, dated 2 November, in which he confirms that the Committee will have the opportunity to consider and discuss the content of the draft SDA later this year.

    Sir J Gorman joined the meeting at 2.25 p.m.
    Mr T Hamilton joined the meeting at 2.26 p.m.

    Dungannon Visit

    The Chairman advised the Committee that Chris Thompson, Chief Executive, Social Security Agency, had invited Members to join him for lunch at the ONE Centre, Dungannon on 21 November.

    Members agreed the draft event programme for the visit on the 21 November and are to confirm their attendance to Committee staff and how they intend to travel to and from Dungannon by Monday 12 November.

  5. Subordinate Legislation - Motions
  6. The Committee passed the following Motion subject to the Examiner of Statutory Rules' Report:

    "The Social Development Committee has considered the following Statutory Rule:

    SR 2001 No. 392- The Social Security (Capital Disregards Amendment No. 3) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2001

    and has no objection to the Rule."

    Public Session

  7. NIHE House Sales Scheme
  8. The Chairman referred the Committee to a letter from Dr John McPeake, Assistant Director Development Division, NIHE, dated 25 October, concerning the House Sales Scheme.

    The Committee discussed the matter further and agreed that the Clerk should write again to the Housing Executive stressing the importance of publishing clear and consistent targets for action.

  9. Laganside Corporation: Quinquennial Review
  10. The Committee considered the Executive Summary from the Quinquennial Review of Laganside Corporation, dated January 2001 and agreed the Chairman should invite the Minister to discuss the Review further with the Committee.

    Private Session

  11. Housing Inquiry
  12. The Committee discussed the arrangements for the debate on its first report on the Inquiry into Housing in Northern Ireland and agreed the terms of the draft Press Release.

    The Committee also considered a letter from the Minister, dated 7 November, about the proposed Housing Bill and asked that arrangements be made for a presentation to the Committee.

    The Committee discussed and agreed the proposed Terms of Reference for the next phase of the Housing Inquiry "To investigate the extent of Homelessness in Northern Ireland, to examine current proposals in Northern Ireland for dealing with Homelessness, to conduct comparisons with England, Scotland, Wales and the Republic of Ireland, to identify models of good practice, and produce a report." The Committee agreed that written submissions should be sought by 10 January 2002 with a view to scheduling oral evidence sessions in February 2002.

    The Committee agreed the Chairman should write to the Minister for Health, Social Services and Public Safety and the Chairman of the Health, Social Services and Public Safety Committee about the proposed Inquiry.

  13. Gap Funding
  14. The Committee noted the letter from the Minister of Finance and Personnel, about Gap Funding.

  15. Any Other Business.
  16. Draft Programme for Government

    The Chairman referred Members to a letter from OFMDFM about the proposed debate on the Draft Programme for Government scheduled to take place on 13 November.

    The Members agreed that the Chairman speak in the debate on behalf of the Committee.

    Tax Credits

    The Committee noted the prospect of a debate Tax Credits.

  17. Date of Next Meeting
  18. The next Committee meeting will be at 2.00 p.m. on Thursday 15 November 2001 in Room 144, Parliament Buildings.


25 October 2001 / Menu / 15 November 2001