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1. Minutes of the Committee Meeting of 13 September 2001
2. Matters Arising
3. Subordinate Legislation - Motions
4. Northern Ireland Housing Executive - House Sales Consultation Paper
5. Promoting Social Inclusion - Consultation on Future Priorities
6. Measures of Deprivation in Northern Ireland
7. Any Other Business
8. D
ate and Time of Next Meeting

Mr F Cobain (Chairman)
Ms M Gildernew (Deputy Chairperson)
Mr E ONeill
Sir J Gorman
Mr S Wilson
Mr M Robinson
Mr D O'Connor

Mr G Kelly

In Attendance:
Mr S Graham
Mr L McLernon
Miss F Douglas

Mr Cobain took the chair at 2.25 p.m.

Private Session

1. Minutes of the Committee Meeting of 13 September 2001

The minutes of the meeting were agreed.

2. Matters Arising

Social Security Fraud Bill - Committee's Report

Members noted that the printed version of the Committee's Report had been placed in circulation earlier today.

Mr M Robinson joined the meeting at 02.29 p.m.

3. Subordinate Legislation - Motions

The Committee passed the following Motion:

'The Social Development Committee has considered the following Statutory Rules;

SR 2001 No 314 - The Social Security (Personal Allowances for Children and Young Persons Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2001,

SR 2001 No 315 - Housing Renovation etc Grants (Reduction of Grant) (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2001,

SR 2001 No 316 - The Social Security (Incapacity Benefit) (Miscellaneous Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2001,

SR 2001 No 318 - The Social Fund (Maternity and Funeral Expenses) (General) (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2001,

and has no objection to the Rules.'

Public Session

4. Northern Ireland Housing Executive - House Sales Consultation Paper

The Chairman welcomed the NIHE Officials to the meeting at 02.32 p.m.

In attendance:
Mr Paddy McIntyre
Mrs Imelda McGrath
Dr John McPeake

Mr McIntyre presented the main changes contained in the Consultation Paper outlining;

  1. The background to the changes
  2. Eligibility to Purchase which contains four proposed changes, Tenancy Qualification, Joint Purchase, The Over 60s Exclusion and Anti-social behaviour
  3. What is Sold and the Price Paid
  4. Changes Considered but Rejected
  5. Equality Impact Assessment
  6. Consultation Arrangements

A summary of the presentation was circulated to the Members. There followed a question and answer session, which is summarised at Annex B. The Chairman thanked the Officials and they left at 03.06 p.m.

Private Session

The Committee agreed to make a formal response to the Consultation Paper and the Clerk was asked to bring forward a draft reply for consideration.

5. Promoting Social Inclusion - Consultation on Future Priorities

The Committee agreed the draft response subject to the inclusion of references to Fuel Poverty

and Numeracy and Literacy.

Sir J Gorman left the meeting at 03.13 p.m.
Mr Robinson left the meeting at 03.17 p.m.

6. Measures of Deprivation in Northern Ireland

The Committee considered the Summary Report and it was agreed that a number of issues should be drawn to the attention of the Committee for Finance and Personnel.

Ms M Gildernew left the meeting at 03.45 p.m.

7. Any Other Business

Tax Credits

The Chairman referred the Members to correspondence dated 20 September from the Department. The Committee agreed to invite Officials to attend the meeting on 27 September to provide further information.

Management of Social Security Debt Collection Report

Members noted the latest exchange of Correspondence between the Law Centre (NI) and the Northern Ireland Audit Office.

Urban Regeneration and Community Development Inquiry

The Committee agreed to stand down its Inquiry and concentrate its efforts in making a substantial submission to the Consultation Paper on Urban Renewal. The Clerk was asked to write, accordingly, to those who had made submissions.

Departmental Press Releases

Members noted the press releases for Housing in North Belfast, Winter Fuel Payments and New tele-claims Pension service for those about to retire.

Education and Training for Industry Report

The Committee noted the recommendations and asked the Clerk to write to the Committee for Employment and Learning highlighting the Members support for Numeracy and Literacy recommendation.

Consultation Paper on Victim's Support

The Clerk was asked to report on the Consultation Paper.

Consultation Paper on Children's Commissioner

The Members noted the Consultation Paper and agreed no further action was required.

  1. Date and Time of Next Meeting

The next Committee meeting will be at 2.00 p.m. on Thursday 27 September 2001 in Room 144, Parliament Buildings.


18 September 2001 / Menu / 27 September 2001