Northern Ireland Assembly Flax Flower Logo
AT 12.00PM ON TUESDAY, 21 JUNE 2001.

Present: Mr F Cobain (Chairman)
Ms M Gildernew (Deputy Chairperson)
Mr J Tierney
Mr E ONeill
Sir J Gorman
Mr T Hamilton
Mr S Wilson
Mr B Hutchinson

Apologies: Mr D O'Connor
Mr M Robinson
Mr G Kelly

In Attendance: Mr S Graham
Mr L Hart
Ms V Surplus
Miss F Douglas

Mr Cobain took the chair at 2.12 p.m.

Private Session

1. Minutes of the Last Meeting

The minutes of the last meeting were agreed.

2. Matters Arising

Regional Development Strategy

The Committee reconsidered the Regional Development Strategy and agreed that the Clerk write to the Regional Development Committee restating that the Committee would like to see at least a 60% target for urban housing on brownfield sites in the Belfast Metropolitan Area.

3. Subordinate Legislation - Proposals

Agreed: The Committee was content with the Department's proposals outlined for Statutory Rules in respect of the following - The Social Security (Discretionary Housing Payments Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2001, and Proposals for the Contracting-Out (Protection of Guaranteed Minimum Pension) Regulations and the Contracting-Out (Protection of Guaranteed Minimum Pension) Order

The Committee also commended the presentation of the Statutory Rules.

4. Subordinate Legislation - Motions

The Committee passed the following Motion subject to the Examiner of Statutory Rules' Report:

"The Social Development Committee has considered the following Statutory Rules;

SR 2001 No. 227 - The Income Support and Jobseeker's Allowance (Amounts for Persons in Residential Care and Nursing Homes) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2001

SR 2001 No. 238 - The Housing Benefit (General) (Amendment No. 3) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2001

and has no objection to the Rules."

Public Session

5. Departmental Budget Bids for 2002/03

The Chairman welcomed the Minister and his Departmental Officials to the meeting at 2.27 p.m.

In attendance: Mr Maurice Morrow, Minister
Mr John Hunter, Permanent Secretary
Dr Jeremy Harbison
Mr Cliff Radcliffe

Mr Hutchinson joined the meeting at 2.31 p.m.

Ms Gildernew left the meeting at 2.40 p.m.

Mr Hamilton joined the meeting at 2.52 p.m.

The presentation was recorded separately in verbatim minutes of evidence. The Chairman thanked the Minister and his Officials and they left the meeting at 3.32 p.m.

In light of the Department's presentation, the Committee agreed that the Chairman and the Clerk should meet with the Minister and Permanent Secretary as a matter of urgency to discuss the future presentation of Budget papers to the Committee.

6. Housing Inquiry

The Committee agreed to hold a special Committee meeting on Monday 25 June and defer discussion on the Housing Inquiry until then.

7. Any Other Business

Social Security Fraud Bill

After discussion, the Committee agreed the provisional timetable for discussion on the Bill and to ask Departmental Officials to attend the Committee meeting on 05 July to assist in its deliberations.

The Law Society of Northern Ireland

The Committee noted the Law Society's letter dated 20 June following their presentation on the General Consumer Council's Housing Buying Report on 5 April 2001. The Committee agreed to look at the response in more detail at next week's meeting.

A Single Equality Bill for Northern Ireland - Consultation

The Committee agreed a 'Nil' response to the Office of the First Minister and Deputy First Minister on the above consultation document.

8. Date and Time of Next Meeting

The next Committee meeting will be at 12.00 p.m. on Monday 25 June 2001 in Room 152, Parliament Buildings.

22 JUNE 2001

14 June 2001 / Menu / 25 June 2001