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Present: Mr F Cobain (Chairman)
Mr B Hutchinson
Mr E ONeill
Mr M Robinson
Mr J Tierney
Mr S Wilson

In Attendance: Mr S Graham Mr K Barker
Mr L Hart Ms V Surplus

Apologies: Ms Michelle Gildernew (Deputy Chairperson), Sir John Gorman

Mr Cobain took the chair at 2.20pm.

Private Session

1. Minutes of the Last Meeting

The minutes of the last meeting were agreed.

2. Matters Arising

The Committee noted the contents of a letter from the Minister dated 26 March in relation to 'Warm Homes'.

3. Subordinate Legislation - Proposals

Agreed: The Committee was content with the Department's proposals outlined for Statutory Rules in respect of the following - The Social Security (Incapacity Benefit) (Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2001, Street Trading (Prescribed Form of a Fixed Penalty Notice) Regulations and Street Trading (Prescribed Form of Street Trading Licence) Regulations (subject to the Examiner's report).

Public Session

4. General Consumers Council's Report "Improving the House Buying Process" - Presentation by Representatives of the Law Society

In attendance: John Neill (President)
Brian Walker
Sarah Witchell
John Bailie

The Chairman welcomed the representatives to the meeting at 2.22pm after which they made a presentation. A summary of the presentation was circulated to the Members. A question and answer session followed which is summarised in Annex A.

The Law Society representatives agreed to provide figures requested by the Committee in relation to the house buying process in respect of the following;

The Chairman thanked the representatives and they left at 3.20pm.

Private Session

5. Housing

(i)Private Sector Renewal and Houses in Multiple Occupation and the Regulation of the Private Rented Sector

In attendance: Eileen Regan (Researcher)
Malachy Finnegan (Researcher)

The Chairman welcomed the Researchers to the meeting at 3.30pm. Following the presentation of background research papers by Eileen Regan last week in relation to Private Sector Renewal, Malachy Finnegan made a presentation of background research papers in relation to Houses in Multiple Occupation and the Regulation of the Private Rented Sector. A summary of the presentation was circulated to the Members. After discussion the Committee agreed to note the content of the research background papers and agreed that the Clerk should investigate how the Committee can consider further if proposals in relation to Houses of Multiple Occupation will impact on planning law.

The Chairman thanked the Researchers and they left at 4.15pm.

(ii) Consideration and selection of an Academic

The Committee considered the list of Academics provided by Research and Library Services. The Committee expressed concern that there was no Assembly process or current guidelines in existence in relation to the selection process and agreed that the Clerk should write to the Commission in those terms. In these circumstances the Committee, taking into account the time frame for its Report, considered the information supplied by the Academics, paying particular attention to applicants on the basis of experience, cost, availability and local knowledge.

It was proposed by Mr E ONeill and seconded by Mr B Hutchinson that Mr Paddy Gray be appointed. This was unanimously agreed by the Committee.

(iii) Consider list of witnesses to give oral evidence

The Committee considered the list of respondees in relation to Private Sector Renewal and Houses in Multiple Occupation and the Regulation of the Private Rented Sector (Topics 1 & 2) and the selected organisations in relation to Large Scale Voluntary Transfers and the NIHE and Rights of Housing Association Tenants to Buy Their Properties (Topics 3 & 4). The Committee agreed to invite the following organisations to give oral evidence on the following;

Topics 1 & 2

Topics 3 & 4

Topics 1, 2, 3 & 4

6. Urban Regeneration/Community Development

The Committee considered a list of proposed consultees tabled by the Clerk in relation to its inquiry into Urban Regeneration/Community Development and agreed to invite all on the list to make submissions. The Committee further agreed that letters and a press release should be issued on 30 April with a closing date of 8 June for reply.

7. Public Private Partnerships

In attendance: Eileen Regan (Researcher)

The Chairman welcomed the Researcher to the meeting at 4.35 pm after which she made a presentation. A summary of the presentation was circulated to the Members. After discussion the Committee agreed to note its content and the Chairman thanked the Researcher for her presentation and she left at 4.50pm.

The Committee agreed that the Clerk should write to the Chairman of the Committee for Finance and Personnel expressing interest in the outcome of its investigations and that the Committee considers that there may well be scope for the application of PPP/PFI within the Department for Social Development and that it should continue to be considered as a means of financing projects.

8. Any Other Business

The Committee noted the response from the Minister to the Committee's letter of 20 March in relation to the Strategic Options Study.

The Committee noted the content of the letter from the Department in relation to the proposed future work programme. The Committee agreed that the Clerk should write to the Department requesting that the Committee have early sight of the draft Housing Bill and that Departmental officials attend a Committee meeting to discuss its content before it is passed to the Office of the Legislative Counsel.

The Committee noted the content of the letter from the Clerk to the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development Committee dated 29 March in relation to its inquiry into the Rural Development Programme.

The Committee noted the letter from the Construction Employers Federation and agreed to invite them to make a presentation to the Committee at a future date to be arranged.

9. Date and Time of Next Meeting

The next Committee meeting will be at 2.00pm on Thursday 26 April 2001 in Room 144, Parliament Buildings.


April 2001.

29 March 2001 / Menu / 26 April 2001