Northern Ireland Assembly Flax Flower Logo


1. Minutes of the Last Meeting
2. Matters Arising
3. Committee Consideration for Handling Subordinate Legislation
4. Subordinate Legislation - Proposals
5. Subordinate Legislation - Motions
6. Domestic Energy Efficiency Scheme 11
7. Child Support Reforms
8. Any Other Business
9. Date and Time of Next Meeting

Mr F Cobain (Chairman)
Ms M Gildernew (Deputy Chairperson)
Sir John Gorman
Mr B Hutchinson
Mr D McClarty
Mr M Robinson
Mr J Tierney
Mr S Wilson

In Attendance:
Mr S Graham
Mr K Barker
Mr L Hart
Ms V Surplus

Mr G Kelly, Mr D O'Connor, Mr E ONeill

Mr Cobain took the chair at 2.08pm.

Private Session

1. Minutes of the Last Meeting

The minutes of the last meeting were agreed.

2. Matters Arising

The Committee was advised that arrangements had been made to invite the Belfast Metropolitan Residents Group to next week's meeting.

3. Committee Consideration for Handling Subordinate Legislation

The Committee agreed the content of a paper proposing amendments to the current procedure regarding Committee consideration of Subordinate Legislation.

4. Subordinate Legislation - Proposals

Agreed: The Committee was content with the Department's proposals outlined for Statutory Rules in respect of the following - The Social Security Benefits Up-rating Order (Northern Ireland) 2001 (the "Up-rating Order"), The Guaranteed Minimum Pensions Increase Order (Northern Ireland) 2001, The Social Security (Industrial Injuries)(Dependency)(Permitted Earnings Limits) Order (Northern Ireland) 2001, The Social Security Benefits Up-rating Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2001, The Workmen's Compensation (Supplementation) (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2001, Additional Pension (First Appointed Year) Order, Additional Pension and Social Security Pensions (Home Responsibilities) (Amendment) Regulations and Social Security Revaluation of Earnings Factor Order.

5. Subordinate Legislation - Motions

(i) The Committee passed the following motion:

"The Social Development Committee has considered Statutory Rule 2000 No. 383 - The Occupational Pension Schemes (Republic of Ireland Schemes Exemption) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2000 - and has no objections to the Rule."

(ii) Departmental Officials: John O'Neill - Social Security Legislation Branch
Scott Carson - Social Security Legislation Branch

The Chairman welcomed the above-named officials to the meeting at 2.15pm. and they gave a brief explanation of the proposed Statutory Rule. The officials briefed the Committee on the rationale for and implications of the proposed Statutory Rule. Following clarification the Committee was content with the proposals and passed the following motion:

"The Social Development Committee has considered Statutory Rule 2000 No.369 - The Social Security (New Deal Pilot) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2000 and has no objections to the Rule."

The Chairman thanked the officials for their briefing and they left the meeting.

Public Session

6. Domestic Energy Efficiency Scheme II - presentation by representatives from National Energy Action Northern Ireland

Those in attendance: Majella McCloskey - Director
Andrea Heaney

The Chairman welcomed the representatives to the meeting at 2.20pm. After which the representatives made their presentation. A summary of their presentation was circulated to the Members. There followed a question-and answer session, which is summarised in Annex A. The Chairman thanked the representatives and they left at 3.15pm.

Private Session

Following the presentation the Committee agreed that each political party represented on the Committee should submit written concerns about any particular aspects of DEES II by 16.30 on Monday 5 February to the Clerk. The Committee further agreed that, at next week's meeting, they would only discuss concerns that were not common to all submissions with the intention of compiling an agreed composite list. The Committee further agreed that Departmental officials should be invited to attend a subsequent meeting to address these specific concerns.

Public Session

7. Child Support Reforms - Presentation by the Chief Executive of the Child Support Agency

Those in attendance: Gerry Keenan - Chief Executive
John Canavan
Mary Quinn

The Chairman welcomed the representatives to the meeting at 3.25pm. After which the representatives made their presentation. A summary of their presentation was circulated to the Members. There followed a question-and answer session, which is summarised in Annex B. The Chairman thanked the representatives and they left at 4.00pm.

Private Session

8. Any Other Business

(i) The Committee noted that the Department intended tabling an amendment to the Committee's amendment to Clause 9 of the Street Trading Bill due for debate in plenary on 5 February. The Committee were advised that the Department's amendment has been tabled for technical reasons which improved the wording but did not alter the thrust and intention of the Committee's amendment and the Committee agreed to support it. The Committee further noted that the Department had proposed an amendment to Clause 17 of the Street Trading Bill and a 'consequential' amendment to Clause 21.

(ii) The Committee agreed proposals, outlined in a paper by the Clerk, for beginning investigations into the specified areas agreed at last week's meeting relating to the proposed Housing Bill. The Committee further agreed to amend the topic entitled 'Large Scale Voluntary Transfers' to ' Large Scale Voluntary Transfers and the NIHE'.

(iii) The Committee agreed to invite Departmental officials to attend next week's meeting to discuss, in private session, Public Service Agreements. The Committee further agreed that as a consequence the planned presentation by George Mackey of the Belfast Regeneration Office on Urban Regeneration should be re-scheduled to 15 February.

(iv) The Committee agreed that, because of induction training for new Clerks on Friday mornings for at least 6 weeks, members would receive papers for the weekly meetings in the 'pigeon holes' on Monday mornings.

(v) The Committee agreed that to assist them in their understanding of issues in relation to urban regeneration it would visit specific sites of interest in Derry City on 15/16 February and in Enniskillen on 1/2 March. The Committee further agreed that the specific arrangements would be made by the Clerk.

(vi) The Committee unanimously agreed to welcome the incoming Clerk, Stephen Graham, and to thank the outgoing Clerk, George Martin, for the excellent service that he had provided.

9. Date and Time of Next Meeting

The next Committee meeting will be at 2.00pm on Thursday 08 February 2001 in Room 144, Parliament Buildings.

February 2001

25 January 2001 / Menu / 8 February 2001