Northern Ireland Assembly Flax Flower Logo


1. Minutes of the Last Meeting
2. Matters Arising
3. Any Other Business
4. Budget
5. Presentation in relation to Street Trading Bill
6. Date and Time of Next Meeting

Mr F Cobain (Chairman)
Ms M Gildernew (Deputy Chairperson)
Sir John Gorman
Mr B Hutchinson
Mr G Kelly
Mr D McClarty
Mr D O'Connor
Mr E ONeill
Mr M Robinson
Mr J Tierney
Mr S Wilson

In Attendance:
Mr G Martin
Mrs J McMurray
Mr L Hart
Ms V Surplus
Ms E Regan

Mr Cobain took the chair at 1.05pm.

Private Session

1. Minutes of the Last Meeting

The minutes of the last meeting were agreed

2. Matters Arising

An explanation in relation to The Social Fund (Recovery by Deductions from Benefits) (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2000, which had been queried at the last meeting, had been received.

Agreed: The Committee accepted the Department's proposals.

The Department's response to the points raised regarding the Street Trading Bill was circulated to the members.

3. Any Other Business

Housing Bill
A draft of organisations that would be asked to make written comment had been drawn up. The Chairman asked that any suggestions for additions be conveyed to the Clerk.

Renewal and Beyond:
Housing and Economic Development
A conference has been organised in the Portmarnock Hotel, Dublin on Thursday 23rd and Friday 24th November 2000. Those interested in attending were asked to contact the Clerk.

Subordinate Legislation
Agreed: The Committee was content with the Department's proposals outlined for Statutory Rules in respect of the following: Proposals for Regulations In Respect Of Pensions: Proposals for Commencement Orders in respect of the Child Support, Pensions and Social Security Act (Northern Ireland) 2000.

4. Budget

Members asked that the Department explain what is meant by 'Resource Accounting Adjustments'. The Clerk undertook to write to the Department.

Four main areas of concern were discussed:

Rent Increases
Urban and Rural Regeneration
Replacement Schemes (kitchens and bathrooms)
Fuel Poverty

It was noted that the bid in relation to Urban Regeneration was down 4.4% on the previous year and that the Housing Executive was only up 1.5% (another cut).

Mr Hutchinson left the meeting at 1.35pm.

The Committee noted that to reject the Rent increase of GDP + 2% would have an impact on existing schemes. Members felt, however, that rents should not be raised each time this stage of the budget was reached. Members unanimously agreed that there was no further justification to follow the existing GDP formula as the reality was that other benefits/Pensions did not go up at that rate. The Committee suggested a need to get back to inflationary rates. Members discussed the funding of the Housing Associations, as it appears that Associations may not have spent their full allocations in the last 3 years.

Members noted that no provision had been made in respect of Fuel poverty or schemes to upgrade kitchens and bathrooms in Housing Executive homes and queried why these issues were included in the Programme for Government when no money had been provided for them. The Committee did, however, accept that the Programme relates to the next three years and may not match the existing budget.

No additional funding was directed towards the North Belfast Scheme. Members agreed that some commitment must be made to the Committee for next year.

Public Session

Presentation by the Minister for Social Development in relation to Budget Allocations.

DSD Officials: Mr Maurice Morrow MLA - Minister For Social Development
Mr John Hunter - Permanent Secretary
Mr Bryan Davis - Director of Corporate Services
Mr Michael Sands - Departmental Finance Official

The Chairman welcomed the Officials to the meeting at 2.15pm, after which the Minister gave an opening statement. There followed a question-and-answer session, which is summarised in Annex A. The Chairman thanked the Minister and Officials and they left at

Mr Cobain, Mr O'Connor, Mr Kelly and Mr Robinson left the meeting at 3.45pm
Ms Gildernew took the Chair.

5. Presentation in relation to the Street Trading Bill

Panel Members: Mr Kieran Kerr - Street Trader
Mr John McKeever - Street Trader
Ms Mary McKinney - Enforcement Officer (Coleraine Borough Council)
Mr William Elder - Enforcement Officer (Coleraine Borough Council)

The Deputy Chairperson welcomed the panel to the meeting at 3.50pm. Ms McKinney and Mr McKeever made presentations to the Committee and these were followed by a question-and-answer session. The discussions are recorded separately in verbatim minutes of evidence.

Mr O'Connor returned to the meeting at 4.05pm.
Mr Wilson left the meeting at 4.18pm

The Deputy Chairperson thanked the panel and they left at 4.35pm

6. Date and Time of Next Meeting

The next Committee meeting will be at 2.00pm on Thursday 9 November in Room 144, Parliament Buildings.

October 2000

19 October 2000 / Menu / 9 November 2000