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Q. The Department For Social Development is responsible for policies that can effect the health of the population e.g. Housing, Urban Regeneration, Social Security etc. This Department can keep people out of hospital. Is there an understanding that the Department will increase resources in those areas that can make a positive impact on the health of the population?

A. The Department totally accepts the points you make. We are totally committed to the development of the Investment for Health programme and the Department will be tied to the final Strategy Action Plan once it is published.

Q. How will you strengthen Community infrastructure?

A. The Department has to work within the resources it has got. We would like to have more resources though they will be increased by the new Peace II money. We try to make best use of the resources we have got and we will be bidding for additional resources in the next monitoring round and we would welcome the support of the Committee in this regard.

Q. Is it not the case that we are spending less on Housing this year than last? For example this means no kitchen or bathroom refurbishments for NIHE tenants.

A. Budgets are allocated and the Department has to make the best of it. There is a finite limit but we must allign resources to make the maximum impact on health status.

Q. To make an impact on the health of the poorest people resources need to be increased. We are spending less this year than last. Do you not agree we cannot make an impact?

A. The Programme for Government provides additional resources next year to combat fuel poverty.

Q. Is it not the case that this money is only available to those over 60 years of age and on income related benefits? For example people with small occupational pensions are excluded. This money is not targeting a wide enough group.

A. The Department has secured additional resources but not as much as we would like.

Q. Is it not the case that you did not bid for additional funds for the areas we have been discussing? Why were they not made? Do you favour a broad brush approach thereby spreading resources thinly or is it better to target individuals as opposed to themes?

A. The Department would stress that this is a consultation document. We have got to approach this on a universal level. We must maximize the take up of benefits - this is broadly based. However in some areas we focus on individual groups such as 'travellers'.

Q. Are the seven goals contained in the document not very aspirational? How can they be delivered? Will the work associated with Investing For Health require the creation of additional civil service posts?

A. There will be no additional civil service posts created. Once the action plan is developed it is to be signed off by the Executive.

Q. Is the document not restating current Departmental policies or are more resources going to be made available?

A. My understanding of the process is that the priorities of the Programme for Government determine the allocation. I am confident that Investment For Health should trigger additional resources. Part of the purpose of the document is to identify determinants of good and bad health. It also highlights that the issues involved are cross-cutting and joint action is required to improve health.

Q. Is it not the case that the document targets too widely? How will it all be achieved? The document needs to contain more specifics e.g. smoking - what are the proposed preventative measures? How much is the consultation process going to cost?

A. We would stress again that this is only a consultation document which is yet to be refined. We cannot provide a figure today of the cost of consultation.

Q. Has the Minister indicated that the pilot regeneration schemes will be extended?

A. The document proposes partnerships in the same model as the Health Action Zones for example. It is envisaged that neighbourhood regeneration will be included in the Investment

Social Development Minutes 29 March 2001