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Proceedings of the Regional Development Committee

Minutes of meeting held in part public/part closed session on Wednesday, 6th February 2002 in room 135, Parliament Buildings

1. Minutes of last meeting
2. Antrim to Knockmore Railway Line
3. Regional Transportation Strategy
4. Retail Planning Policy
5. Translink letter regarding the Committee's journey to the North West
6. Translink letter
7. Date of next meeting

Present were:
Mr A Maginness (Chairman)
Mr A McFarland (Deputy Chairman)
Mr PJ Bradley
Mr W Hay
Mr D Hussey
Mr R Hutchinson
Mr P McNamee
Mr M Robinson
Mr G Savage

Mr J Byrne
Mr D Ervine

In Attendance:
Mr L Barr (Committee Clerk)
Mr N Currie (Assistant Committee Clerk)
Mrs S Young (Executive Support)
Miss J Massey (Administrative Support)
Mr S Wilson (Assembly Research Team)

The meeting was called to order at 10.51am in public session.

The Chairman thanked the Clerk and his staff on the organisation and the service provided during the visit to Europe. The Committee agreed that it was a very important and useful visit.

1. Minutes of last meeting

The minutes of the meeting held on 23 January 2002 were agreed.

The meeting moved to closed session.

2. Antrim to Knockmore Railway Line

At 10.55 am officials from the Department briefed the Committee on the results of the Equality Impact Assessment which had been carried out on the proposed discontinuance of the Antrim/Knockmore railway line. The officials were Mr Paul Sweeney and Miss Lindsay Hodges.

The officials answered members' questions on the Equality Impact Assessment.

Agreed: a) The officials were asked to obtain some further information on the bus substitution service.

b) To consider the Antrim/Knockmore issue at a future meeting in public session.

The Chairman thanked the officials and they left the meeting at 12.24 pm.

Mr Hutchinson left the meeting at 12.24 pm

The meeting returned to public session.

3. Regional Transportation Strategy

The Committee discussed the way forward in relation to the Regional Transportation Strategy and at what stage in the process it should respond to the Minister.

Agreed: To provide an interim response, with the final response being reserved until the results of the public consultation are known. The findings from the visit to Europe should be incorporated into the response. Members who wish to contribute should pass their input to the Clerk.

4. Retail Planning Policy

The Committee noted the reply from the Minister in relation to the review of retail planning policy.

5. Translink letter regarding the Committee's journey to the North West

The Committee considered the response from Translink in relation to the Committee's train journey to the North West and agreed that the overall content of the letter was disappointing.

6. Translink letter regarding consultation with Community Groups over        withdrawal of services

The Chairman had written to Translink recommending that a formalised consultation forum be set up to ensure that there is early consultation with local community groups in future.

The Committee considered the reply from Translink and while not totally satisfied with the response, the Committee welcomed the fact that (in addition to the community group representatives who made oral and written submissions to the Committee) the Area Partnership Boards will be involved in future consultation.

7. Date of next meeting

The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday 13th February 2002 at 10.30 am in room 135, Parliament Buildings..

The meeting adjourned at 12.40 pm.

23 January 2002 / Menu / 13 February 2002