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Proceedings of the Regional Development Committee

Minutes of meeting held in part public/part closed session on Wednesday, 28 November 2001 in the Derry City Council offices, the Guildhall, Londonderry

1. Minutes of last meeting
2. Matters arising
3. Presentation on transport issues

Present were:
Mr A Maginness (Chairman)
Mr A McFarland (Deputy Chairman)
Mr J Byrne
Mr W Hay
Mr D Hussey
Mr P McNamee
Mr G Savage

Mr PJ Bradley
Mr D Ervine
Mr R Hutchinson
Mr M Robinson

In Attendance:
Mr L Barr (Committee Clerk)
Mr N Currie (Assistant Committee Clerk)
Mrs S Young (Executive Support)
Miss J Massey (Administrative Support)

The meeting commenced at 10.11am in closed session.

1. Minutes of last meeting

The minutes of the meeting held on 21 November 2001 were agreed.

2. Matters arising

(a) Visit to Europe

Agreed: A three or four day visit should be arranged for week commencing 27 January 2002 to include Zurich, Strasbourg, Karlsruhe and Brussels. The Clerk will make the necessary arrangements.

The Committee met in public session.

3. Presentation on transport issues

At 10.16am the Committee received a joint presentation on transport issues from the following:

Mr Tony McGurk - City Engineer, Derry City Council
Mr Richard Sterling - Junior Vice President, Londonderry Chamber of Commerce
Mr Eamon Molloy - Development Officer, North West Region Cross Border Group

The following people were also present:

Mayor Alderman Garfield - Derry City Council
Alderman Dolan - Chairman, North West Region Cross Border Group
Ms Janice Tracey - Londonderry Chamber of Commerce

Mr Hussey joined the meeting at 10.21am

The group giving the presentation stressed the importance of ensuring that the Regional Transportation Strategy supports the Regional Development Strategy. The group also highlighted the need for a separate Transport Plan for the North West sub-region.

After the presentation, the group answered Members' questions.

Mr McGurk agreed to send the Committee the nine existing reports on transport infrastructure in the north west.

The Chairman thanked the representatives for the presentation and also thanked the Mayor and Derry City Council for the use of the council chamber.

The Chairman said it was the Committee's intention to take on board the views expressed at the meeting when it responds to the Department for Regional Development on the Regional Transportation Strategy.

The meeting closed at 11.39am.

21 November 2001 / Menu / 5 December 2001