Northern Ireland Assembly Flax Flower Logo


1. Minutes of last meeting
2. Matters arising
3. Strategic Planning Bill - Consultation Paper
4. Titanic Quarter Leases Report
5. M1/Westlink Scheme
6. Water Service response to Inland Fisheries Report
7. Legislative Programme 2001-02
8. Regional Transportation Strategy (RTS)
9. Family of Settlements Report
10. Review of Employment Tribunal System - DTI Consultation Paper
11. Harbours Bill - Preliminary Consultation
12. Installation of Telecommunications Tower
13. AOB
14. Date of Next Meeting

Present were: Mr A Maginness (Chairman)
Mr A McFarland (Deputy Chairman)
Mr J Byrne
Mr W Hay
Mr D Hussey
Mr R Hutchinson
Mr G Savage
Mr J Wells

Apologies: Mr PJ Bradley
Mr P McNamee

Absent: Mr D Ervine

In Attendance: Mr L Barr (Committee Clerk)
Mr N Currie (Assistant Committee Clerk)
Mrs S Young (Executive Support)
Miss J Massey (Administrative Support)
Ms S Kerin (Assembly Research Team)
Ms S Clavero (Assembly Research Team)

The meeting commenced at 10.37am.

1. Minutes of last meeting

It was agreed that the words which appear in italics should be added to the following sentence within the Retail Planning Policy section of the minutes:

"Members expressed concern that the Terms of Reference did not specifically mention the need to preserve the character and retail mix of Northern Ireland's market towns, particularly given their importance to our tourism product."

Otherwise, the minutes of the meeting held on 10 October 2001 were agreed.

2. Matters arising

  1. Executive Programme Funds - Second Tranche Bids.
  2. Agreed: The Committee agreed the reply to be sent to the Department in respect of the Executive Programme Funds - Second Tranche Bids.

  3. Draft Budget.
  4. Agreed: The Committee agreed the reply to be sent to the Chairman of the Finance and Personnel Committee in respect of the draft Budget 2002-03.

    Mr Hay joined the meeting at 10.45am.

  5. Draft Programme for Government.
  6. The Committee considered the draft reply to Mr Haughey and Mr Nesbitt, OFMDFM, in respect of the draft Programme for Government.

    The Committee asked for the following points to be incorporated into the letter:

    i) In those areas of Northern Ireland which do not have rail, there should be priority investment in the TENs routes.

    ii) In the paragraph which refers to urban housing growth, it was agreed that the letter should highlight the wording used in the RDS document.

  7. Sewage Sediment and Waste on Farmland/Septic Tanks.
  8. The Code of Practice for Agriculture Use of Sewage Sludge was issued to Members.

    Agreed: Any comments on the Code of Practice can be raised at next week's meeting.

    The Committee considered the Department's letter outlining its policy in relation to the emptying (desludging) of septic tanks, and the reasons for the backlog and delay in providing the normal service. Members expressed concern at the considerable backlog and delays in providing this service.

    Agreed: The Clerk should write to the Department to seek clarification on the following points:

    i) Clarification on exactly what 'additional resources' has been and will be deployed?

    ii) How does Water Service propose to handle the backlog to ensure that the normal service is resumed by early December 2001?

    iii) What is the Department's policy and criteria for desludging in an emergency?

    Mr Hussey joined the meeting at 10.56am.

    The Committee considered correspondence from the Mullaghboy Area Residents Group, Islandmagee, objecting to an application for consent to discharge from a Water Service sewage pumping station in an emergency. Members expressed concern at what was being proposed.

    Agreed: The Clerk should write to the Department to seek clarification on the Department's policy in relation to this matter. The Department should also be asked what criteria Water Service uses for handling emergency situations; who sets the guidelines and who is responsible for monitoring them?

    Mr Hutchinson left the meeting at 11.10am.

3. Strategic Planning Bill - Consultation Paper

The Committee considered the Strategic Planning Bill consultation paper, plus accompanying letter from the Minister.

Agreed: The Committee noted what is proposed in the Bill and agreed to consider the matter further once the outcome of the public consultation exercise is known.

4. Titanic Quarter Leases Report

The Committee considered the Minister's response to the recommendations contained in the report. The Committee welcomed that the Department has accepted most of the recommendations, however, the recommendation to increase the Belfast City Council representation to four on the BHC board had not been accepted. The Committee felt strongly that there should be four Councillors on the BHC board.

Agreed: The Chairman should write to the Minister to explain why the Committee believes there should be four Councillors on the BHC board, and ask him to reconsider.

The Committee welcomed the contents of the letter which the Chairman of the Belfast Harbour Commissioners had sent to the Minister regarding the Committee's report.

5. M1/Westlink Scheme

The Committee considered a plan showing the proposed M1/Westlink improvements.

Agreed: The Clerk should arrange for Roads Service officials to attend next week's meeting to brief the Committee on this matter.

Mr Byrne left the meeting at 11.20am.

6. Water Service response to Inland Fisheries Report

The Committee noted the Water Service response to the Inland Fisheries Report, produced by the Committee for Culture, Arts and Leisure.

7. Legislative Programme 2001-02

The Committee noted the legislative programme which the Executive proposes to bring forward in this session.

8. Regional Transportation Strategy (RTS)

The Committee considered a letter from Derry City Council expressing concern at the apparent lack of consideration for the north-west in the RTS, and asking to meet the Committee to discuss the matter.

Mr Wells joined the meeting at 11.31am.

The Committee discussed the possibility of going to the north-west to meet Derry City Council and if appropriate, other Councils. It also considered whether it would be possible to visit DRD projects in the area.

Agreed: A meeting should be arranged in the north-west to meet Derry City Council and other Councils/Groups if appropriate. The Clerk will draft a programme for the visit.

Mr Hay left the meeting at 11.37am.

9. Family of Settlements Report

The Committee considered the Family of Settlements Report and briefing paper prepared by the Assembly Researchers. The Committee was very concerned that the report did not refer to the regional target of 60% brownfield development, as set out in the Regional Development Strategy.

Agreed: The Clerk should write to the Department to express the Committee's concern that no reference has been made to the 60% brownfield target in the Family of Settlements Report.

10. Review of Employment Tribunal System - DTI Consultation Paper

The Committee noted the letter from the Chairman of the Committee for Employment and Learning, plus the consultation paper from DTI in GB.

11. Harbours Bill - Preliminary Consultation

The Committee noted the preliminary consultation papers on the proposed Harbours Bill.

Agreed: To consider the matter further once the outcome of the public consultation exercise is known.

12. Installation of Telecommunications Tower

The Committee considered a letter from Mrs Caroline Black, sent to the Chief Executive of the Water Service, objecting to a planning application for the installation of a 25 metre high telecommunications tower. The letter stated that the Water Service owns the land and has allowed it to be used for the installation of the tower.

The Clerk advised that the Minister is also concerned about this matter and has asked for a review of Water Service's practice of allowing its land to be used for telecommunication masts.

Agreed: To await the outcome of the Department's review into this matter. The Clerk should write to the Department asking to be informed of the findings of the review.

13. AOB

The issue of Private Streets was raised at the meeting. Members discussed the problems associated with the length of time taken to adopt roads in new developments.

Agreed: The Clerk will arrange for the Department to brief the Committee on this matter.

14. Date of Next Meeting

The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, 24 October 2001 at 10.30am in room 135, Parliament Buildings.

The meeting closed at 12.05pm.

10 October 2001 / Menu / 24 October 2001