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Proceedings of the Regional Development Committee

Minutes of meeting held in public session on Wednesday, 3 October 2001 in room 135, Parliament Buildings

1. Minutes of last meeting
2. Matters arising
3. Statutory Rules
4. Feedback
5. Draft Budget 2002/03
6. Draft Programme for Government (PfG)
7. Titanic Quarter/Port of Belfast
8. Publication of Committee Reports
9. Role and purpose of Chairpersons' Liaison Group
10. AOB
11. Date of Next Meeting

Present were:
Mr A Maginness (Chairman)
Mr A McFarland (Deputy Chairman)
Mr PJ Bradley
Mr J Byrne
Mr D Ervine
Mr W Hay
Mr D Hussey
Mr R Hutchinson
Mr P McNamee
Mr J Wells

Mr G Savage

In Attendance:
Mr L Barr (Committee Clerk)
Mr N Currie (Assistant Committee Clerk)
Mrs S Young (Executive Support)
Miss J Massey (Administrative Support)

The meeting commenced at 10.40am.

  1. Minutes of last meeting

  2. The minutes of the meeting held on 26 September 2001 were agreed.

  3. Matters arising

    1. Sewage Sediment and Waste on Farmland

    The Committee discussed the Department's response to some further questions it had been asked in relation to its policy on the spreading of sediment and waste on farmland.

    Agreed: The Clerk will write to the Department to request some further information on this matter.

  4. Statutory Rules

  5. The Committee noted a table containing details of Statutory Rules which the Department intends to make, but which will not be laid in the Assembly.

  6. Feedback on the Sustainable Growth and Development Conference and the Regional Transportation Strategy Conference

The Committee discussed the two conferences which had been held on 27 and 28 September 2001 respectively. Appreciation was expressed regarding the site visit to north Belfast, which was part of the Sustainable Growth and Development Conference itinerary.

Mr Hussey joined the meeting at 10.55am.

Members agreed that the RTS conference was of great interest and value and overall a very successful conference.

To assist in formulating a response on the draft RTS, the Committee discussed the possibility of a visit to look at best practice elsewhere.

Agreed: That a visit should be arranged to examine Public Transport best practice. The Clerk will draw up a draft itinerary in the near future. The visit is expected to last several days and involve visits to a number of locations.

  1. Draft Budget 2002/03

The Committee considered a letter from the Deputy Chairperson of the Finance and Personnel Committee regarding the draft Budget.

Agreed: The Clerk will provide a draft response for consideration by the Committee no later than 24 October 2001.

  1. Draft Programme for Government (PfG)

  2. The Committee considered a letter from Mr Denis Haughey and Mr Dermot Nesbitt regarding the draft PfG.

    Agreed: The Clerk will provide a draft response within the next few weeks for consideration by the Committee.

  3. Titanic Quarter/Port of Belfast

  4. The Committee noted the contents of a letter from the Minister to the Chairman of the Belfast Harbour Commissioners, which highlighted the Minister's support for the Committee's findings in the Titanic Quarter Inquiry, particularly the need for greater public accountability.

  5. Publication of Committee Reports

  6. The Committee noted a paper from the Principal Clerk of Committees, outlining the new procedure for the publication of Committee Reports.

    Mr Hutchinson left the meeting at 11.14am.

  7. Role and purpose of Chairpersons' Liaison Group

  8. The Committee discussed a paper on the work of the Chairpersons' Liaison Group.

    Agreed: To consider the matter further at a future meeting.

  9. AOB

  1. Research Paper on the Role of Government in Relation to Commercial Leasing or Sale of Port Land.
  2. The Assembly Researchers had asked if the Committee would be content for this research paper to be placed on the Intranet.

    Agreed: The paper could be placed on the Intranet.

  3. Correspondence from the Omnibus Partnership.
  4. The Deputy Chairman handed the Clerk some correspondence he had received from the Omnibus Partnership regarding the safety of wheelchair passengers on trains and buses. The Deputy Chairman asked if this could be tabled for discussion at next week's meeting.

  5. Conference on Improving the Planning System - organised by The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS).

Members were given a brochure containing details of the conference to be held on 8 November 2001.

Agreed: Members wishing to attend the conference should inform Committee staff.

  1. Date of Next Meeting

The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, 10 October 2001 at 10.30am in room 135, Parliament Buildings.

The meeting closed at 11.27am.

26 September 2001 / Menu / 10 October 2001