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Mr Paul Maskey (Chairperson)
Mr Roy Beggs (Deputy Chairperson)
Mr Gregory Campbell MP
Mr William Irwin
Mr Patsy McGlone
Mr Adrian McQuillan
Mr Stephen Moutray
Mr Mitchel McLaughlin

In Attendance:
Ms Aoibhinn Treanor (Assembly Clerk)
Ms Hilary Bogle (Assistant Clerk)
Miss Danielle Best (Clerical Supervisor)
Mr Darren Weir (Clerical Officer)

Also in attendance:
Mr Damien Martin (Clerk Assistant)
Ms Angela Kelly (Assembly Legal Services) (Agenda Item 3 (i)).

Mr Trevor Lunn
Ms Dawn Purvis
Mr John Dallat

The meeting commenced at2.07pm in open session.

Chairperson’s Introduction

The Chairperson welcomed Members to the meeting.

Agreed: The Committee agreed that the meeting should commence in open session and go into closed session at Agenda Item 3.

1. Apologies

Apologies are listed above.

2. Draft minutes of the meeting held on 20 th January 2011

Agreed: The draft minutes of the meeting held on 20 th January 2011 were agreed by the Committee.

2.09pm The meeting moved into closed session.

3. Matters arising

(i) Legal Advice on disclosure of personal data

The Committee noted the Clerk’s brief, legal advice provided by Assembly Legal Services and the presentation of issues made by Ms Angela Kelly of Assembly Legal Services.

2.33pm Mr McGlone left the meeting

Agreed: Following discussion the Committee agreed to give further consideration to the issue when Legal Advice has been received on other related matters in the Report.

The Chairperson thanked Ms Kelly for attending the meeting.


(ii) Correspondence from the Department of Regional Development

The Committee considered correspondence received from Dr McKibbin, Accounting Officer, Department of Regional Development in relation to departmental approval of confidentiality agreements.

Agreed: Following discussion the Committee agreed to note the response and to reflect its content in the draft report.

(iii) Correspondence from the Department of Regional Development

The Committee considered correspondence received from Dr McKibbin, Accounting Officer, Department of Regional Development re Executive mapping/disciplinary processes at NI Water.

Agreed: Following discussion the Committee agreed to note the correspondence received from Dr McKibbin, to reflect its contents in the revised draft report, and to seek further information on the matter.

(iv) Correspondence from the Head of the Northern Ireland Civil Service

The Committee considered correspondence received from the Head of the Northern Ireland Civil Service re the Committee’s Inquiry into NI Water.

2.50pm Mr McLaughlin left the meeting.

2.51pm Mr McLaughlin returned to the meeting.

2.53pm Mr Moutray left the meeting.

Agreed: Following discussion the Committee agreed to write to the Head of the Civil Service seeking further information and to reflect the response in its draft report.

(v) Correspondence from the Comptroller and Auditor General

The Committee considered correspondence received from the C&AG in relation to correspondence received last week from Sue Holmes re Contracting Out.

The Chairperson asked C&AG to address the correspondence.

Agreed: Following discussion the Committee agreed to note the correspondence for its report.

4. Consideration of the draft Committee Report on ‘Procurement and Governance in NI Water’

Agreed: Members noted and agreed the draft handling arrangements in light of the leaking of the document, and agreed to adopt the proposed handling arrangements for the Committee’s papers from now on. The Committee further agreed to review these handling arrangements in due course.

Agreed: Members noted that Assembly Legal Services have advised that they will examine the draft executive summary and relevant annexes to fully address the most recent request for legal advice made by the Committee. The Committee agreed to this course of action.

Agreed: The Committee agreed to address those paragraphs regarding which further information and advice had been sought.


Paragraph 39 read and agreed subject to further consideration.

Paragraph 43 read, amended and agreed.

Paragraph 55 read, amended and agreed.

3.36pm Mr Irwin left the meeting.

Paragraph 57 read, amended and agreed.

Paragraph 64 read and agreed subject to further consideration.

Paragraph 67 read, amended and agreed.

Paragraph 69 read and agreed.

Paragraph 71 read and agreed.

Paragraph 73 read, amended and agreed.

Paragraph 92 read, amended and agreed.

Paragraph 102 read and agreed.

Paragraph 117 read, amended and agreed.

Paragraph 118 read and agreed.

Paragraph 121 read, amended and agreed.

Paragraph 145 read and agreed.

Paragraph 146 read and agreed.

Executive Summary

Agreed: The Committee agreed the Executive Summary subject to legal advice.

5. Northern Ireland Audit Office Corporate Plan

Members noted the draft Northern Ireland Audit Office Corporate Plan 2011/12 – 2013/14.

The Chairperson invited Mr Kieran Donnelly, Comptroller and Auditor General to brief the Committee.

Agreed: Following discussion the Committee agreed to write to the Audit Committee reflecting the Committee’s position on the Corporate Plan.

6. Utility Regulator Report

Agreed: The Committee agreed to note the Utility Regulator’s ‘Cost and Performance Report’ on NI Water for 2007-2010.

7. Consideration of the draft Committee Report on ‘Measuring the Performance of NI Water’

Paragraph 22 , read and agreed.

Paragraph 29, read and agreed.

Paragraph 42, read, amended and agreed.

Paragraphs 9, 10 and 12 of the Executive Summary, read, amended and agreed.

Agreed: The Committee agreed the correspondence for inclusion in the Report.

The Committee ordered the Committee’s Report on ‘Measuring the Performance of NI Water’ to be printed.

8. Consideration of the draft Committee report on ‘Arrangements for Ensuring the Quality of Care in Homes for Older People’

Agreed: The Committee agreed to defer this item till its next meeting.

9. Any other business

The Clerk Assistant presented a proposed terms of reference for the inquiry requested by the Committee into the leaking of the draft report on procurement and governance in NI Water.

Agreed: The Committee agreed the terms of reference for the inquiry.

4.35pm Mr Campbell left the meeting, and the meeting became inquorate.

The Chairperson described the correspondence between the BBC and the Clerk Assistant, Nuala Dunwoody for members’ information.

10. Time, date and place of next meeting

The next meeting of the Committee will be held on Thursday, 3 rd February 2011 at 2.00pm in Room 144, Parliament Buildings.

The Chairperson adjourned the meeting at 4.36pm.

Mr Paul Maskey MLA
Chairperson, Public Accounts Committee
3rd February, 2011

13 January 11 / Menu

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