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Thursday 5 November 2009
Room 30, Parliament Buildings

Present: Mrs Michelle O’Neill MLA (Deputy Chairperson)
Dr Kieran Deeny MLA
Mr Alex Easton MLA
Mr Sam Gardiner MLA
Mrs Carmel Hanna MLA
Mrs Dolores Kelly MLA
Mr John McCallister MLA
Ms Sue Ramsey MLA
Mrs Iris Robinson MP MLA

In Attendance: Mrs Stella McArdle (Clerk)
Mr Mark McQuade (Assistant Clerk)
Mr Neil Sedgewick (Clerical Supervisor)
Mr Joe Westland (Clerical Supervisor)
Mr David Irvine (Clerical Officer)

Apologies: Mr Jim Wells MLA (Chairperson)
Mrs Claire McGill MLA

The meeting commenced at 2.03 pm in public session with the Deputy Chairperson in the chair.

1. Apologies

Apologies as above.

2. Chairperson’s Business

The Deputy Chairperson informed members that the Chairperson was unable to attend the meeting due to a family illness. Members agreed to write to the Chairperson with the Committee’s best wishes.

The Committee discussed an amendment that had been proposed to the Committee motion on Efficiency and Contingency Deficit Proposals in the Health and Social Care Trusts.

The committee discussed the Chief Medical Officers weekly briefing on swine flu and agreed to write to the Department for further information on the vaccination process.

The Committee noted the revised agenda.

2.07 p.m. Dr Kieran Deeny joined the meeting.
2.10 p.m. Mrs Carmel Hanna joined the meeting.

3. Draft Minutes of the Meetings held on 22 October 2009.

The minutes of the meeting held on 22 October 2009 were agreed.

4. Matters arising.

The Committee noted a response from the Minister about action taken by the Department to meet the targets set in the Gender equality strategy and agreed to invite the officials to brief the Committee on this matter.

The Committee noted a response from the Minister about impact of CSR on nursing staff and the cost of using nursing agency staff and agreed to invite the Royal College of Nursing to meet informally with the Committee to discuss this issue.

The Committee noted a response from the Minister about a review of public appointments procedures being carried out by the Department.

The Committee noted a response from the Minister about availability of certain prescription Drugs and agreed to write to the Department for further information.

The Committee noted a response from the Minister to written questions regarding ME/CFS and agreed to write to ask the Minister to keep the Committee informed of the outcome of meetings with stakeholders. The Committee also agreed to forward the responses to Ms Jeanette Marley who raised this issue with the Committee and to copy the responses to all MLA’s.

The Committee noted a response from Office of the First Minister and deputy First Minister to issues raised by the Nechama project and agreed to forward this to the Nechama project.

The Committee noted correspondence from Mr Lee Wilson about trust management costs and agreed to forward Mr Wilson’s letter to the Department for a response to the issues raised.

The Committee noted correspondence from the Western Health & Social Care Trust regarding the percentage of staff employed in administration & clerical posts.

The Committee noted a response from the Western Trust about the provision of respite care for young people in the Omagh and Fermanagh area and agreed to write to the Department about the provision of respite care in Northern Ireland. The Committee also agreed to write to the Carers Association seeking their views on this matter.

The Committee noted a letter from the Derry Detox Support Group regarding the provision of detoxification services by the trusts in Northern Ireland and agreed to forward the groups letter and correspondence received from the trusts to the Department for information.

The Committee noted an interim response from the Belfast Trust regarding CSR efficiency savings.

The Committee noted a letter from Diabetes UK thanking the Committee for meeting with it on 8th October 09.

The Committee noted the Report of the Examiner of Statutory Rules dated 23rd October 2009.

The Committee noted an amended report on Committee evening event on 13th October 2009 and agreed to write to the groups thanking them for attending and to follow up on the action points agreed at the meeting. The Committee also agreed to write to the Department on the issue of pharmaceutical licences.

The Committee noted an interim response from the Public Health Agency to issues raised by the Rainbow project.

The Committee noted a letter from the Minister about adoption and the legislative timetable for the Adoption & Children Bill and the Safeguarding Board for Northern Ireland Bill and agreed to write to the Department requesting further information on adoption.

2.24 p.m. Mr John McCallister joined the meeting.

5. Evidence session on Comprehensive Spending Review efficiencies with the Northern Health & Social Care Trust.

Members took evidence from:
Mr Colm Donaghy Chief Executive
Mr Martin Dillon Director of Finance
Ms Briege Donaghy Assistant Director for Planning and Modernisation

A question and answer session ensued. The witnesses agreed to provide the Committee with additional information. The Deputy Chairperson thanked the witnesses for attending.

3.05 p.m. Mrs Iris Robinson joined the meeting.
3.20 p.m. Mrs Dolores Kelly left the meeting.
3.29 p.m. Mrs Dolores Kelly rejoined the meeting.
3.32 p.m. Ms Sue Ramsey left the meeting.
3.43 p.m. Ms Sue Ramsey rejoined the meeting.

3.43 p.m. Meeting adjourned.
3.50 p.m. Meeting resumed.

6. Evidence session on Comprehensive Spending Review efficiencies with the South Eastern Health & Social Care Trust.

Members took evidence from:

Mr Hugh McCaughey Chief Executive
Mr Neil Guckian Director of Finance & Estates
Mr John Simpson Director of Planning, Information and Performance
Ms Charlotte McArdle Director of Primary Care, Elderly and Executive Director of Nursing

A question and answer session ensued. The witnesses agreed to provide the Committee with additional information. The Deputy Chairperson thanked the witnesses for attending.

The Committee agreed to write to each Trust requesting a copy of their deficit contingency plan.

The Committee agreed to write to the Department asking if any of the Chief Executives of the legacy trusts were held accountable for debts incurred by their trust.

4.07 p.m. Mrs Carmel Hanna left the meeting.
4.16 p.m. Mrs Carmel Hanna rejoined the meeting.
4.41 p.m. Mr John McCallister left the meeting.
4.45 p.m. Ms Sue Ramsey left the meeting.
4.54 p.m. Ms Sue Ramsey rejoined the meeting.

7. Consideration of Social Services provision.

The Committee deferred consideration of Social Services provision until its meeting on Thursday 19th November 2009.

8. Consideration on provision of specialist advice on budgetary matters.

The Committee deferred consideration on provision of specialist advice on budgetary matters until its meeting on Thursday 19th November 2009.

9. Statutory Instruments

The Committee noted the Minister’s intention to make a statutory instrument, the Medicines for Human Uses (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2009.

The Committee noted the Minister’s intention to make a statutory instrument, the Medicines (Exemptions and Miscellaneous Amendments) Order 2009.

The Committee noted the Minister’s intention to make a statutory instrument, the Medicines for Human Use (Marketing Authorisations Etc) (Amendment) Regulations 2009.

The Committee noted the Minister’s intention to make a statutory instrument, the Medicines (Pharmacies) (Application for Registration and Fees) (Amendment No.2) Regulations 2009.

10. Correspondence.

The Committee noted correspondence from Simon Hamilton MLA regarding a response by the Minister to questions regarding various administration costs and agreed to write to the Minister about these matters.

The Committee noted correspondence from the Patient and Client Council (PCC) seeking a meeting with the Committee and agreed to invite the PCC to brief the Committee at a future meeting.

The Committee noted correspondence from the South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust seeking views on proposed mental capacity and mental health legislation. The Committee noted correspondence from the Department asking that the letter be withdrawn as it was sent in error.

The Committee noted correspondence from the British Dental Association (BDA) seeking a meeting with Committee and agreed to invite the BDA to brief the Committee at a future meeting.

The Committee noted a copy of correspondence from Fiona Macleod-Green to the Chief Executive of the South Eastern Trust regarding car park arrangements for pregnant women at the Ulster Hospital and agreed to ask the Trust to copy its response to Ms Macleod-Green to the Committee.

The Committee agreed to forward a letter from the Committee for Education regarding a report, ‘A Flourishing Society.’ to the Minister.

The Committee noted correspondence from the Committee for the Office of the First Minister and deputy First Minister asking if the Department has officials who deal with European issues and how often the Committee is briefed by these officials and agreed to write to the Department regarding this matter. The Committee also agreed to invite Cooperation and Working Together (CAWT) to brief members at a future meeting.

The Committee noted a copy of correspondence from Antrim Borough Council to the Minister regarding the introduction of new dental services and agreed to ask the Minister to copy his response to the Committee.

The Committee noted an invitation from the Northern Ireland Hospice to hold a Committee meeting at Somerton House and agreed to arrange this for Thursday 3rd December 2009.

The Committee noted correspondence from Mr J Doherty regarding ways of preventing accident and emergency calls.

The Committee noted a consultation document from the Department, ‘Improving Services for General Paediatric Surgery’ and agreed to ask the Department to report back to the Committee with the results of the consultation.

The Committee noted a consultation document from the Department, ‘Improving Services for Paediatric ENT Surgery’ and agreed to ask the Department to report back to the Committee with the results of the consultation.

The Committee noted a consultation being carried out by the Northern Ireland Office on increasing the penalties for section 55 (Data Protection Act) Offences.

The Committee noted the annual report of the Pharmaceutical Society of Northern Ireland.

The Committee noted correspondence from Sustainable NI regarding a post conference report, ‘Sense and Sustainability: Financing the Path to Sustainability in a Tough Economy.’

The Committee noted correspondence from the BMA NI regarding a policy document, ‘Mental Health in Northern Ireland – The Way Forward.’

11. Any other business

The Committee agreed to write to the Minister regarding delays admitting patients at Altnagelvin Hospital.

The Committee agreed to write to the Minister on whether delayed discharges were impacting on bed availability.

12. Date, time and place of the next meeting

The next meeting of the Committee will take place on Thursday, 12th November 2009 at 2.00pm in the room 30, Parliament Buildings.

The Deputy Chairperson adjourned the meeting at 5.12 p.m.

22 October 09 / Menu