Northern Ireland Assembly Flax Flower Logo

Environment Committee

Inquiry into Climate Change

The Irish Academy of Engineering

Critical Infrastructure - Adaption for Climate Change

Questions for Breakout Sessions

  1. What are the critical pieces of infrastructure that must be protected at all costs and are we in a position to produce risk assessments for these and to prioritise required actions?
  2. What climate change information do engineering professionals need from researchers or other sources to enable policy makers, planners, designers and those implementing infrastructure projects and adapting existing infrastructure, adequately address the challenges of climate change?
  3. How can we ensure that Irish climate change research is as relevant as possible and cost effective?
  4. What actions, in priority order, need to be taken and by whom in the short term to enable those involved in planning, designing and implementing critical infrastructure to adequately address the potential medium/long term impacts of climate change? (Highlight say the three most urgent actions).
  5. Does climate change present opportunities for Ireland and what adaptation measures are required to maximise these.
  6. Any other recommendations?