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Mr Roy Beggs
Mr Jonathan Bell
Mr Cathal Boylan (Chairperson)
Mr John Dallat
Mr Danny Kinahan
Mr Patsy McGlone
Mr Brian Wilson

In Attendance:
Dr Alex McGarel (Assembly Clerk)
Mr Sean McCann (Assistant Clerk)
Mr Nathan McVeigh (Clerical Supervisor)
Ms Antoinette Bowen (Clerical Officer)

Apologies :
Mr Ian McCrea
Mr Daithi McKay
Mr Alastair Ross
Mr Peter Weir

The meeting began in public session at 10.07a.m.

1. Apologies

Apologies are listed above.

2. Minutes

The minutes of the meeting on 24 June 2010 were agreed.

3. Briefing by John McAllister MLA on the Caravans Bill

Mr Beggs declared an interest as a touring caravan owner.

Mr McAllister briefed the Committee and answered members’ questions on the Caravans Bill.

The main areas of discussion were the definition of a caravan, the need to bring Northern Ireland’s legislation into line with the rest of the UK and the response to the consultation on the Bill.

Agreed: That a letter is sent to the Social Development Committee summarising comments made on the Bill.

4. Ministerial briefing on the Local Government Reform Programme

The following members declared an interest:

Mr Beggs – Member of the Strategic Leadership Board and member of Carrickfergus Borough Council

Mr Bell – Member of NILGA

Mr Wilson – Member of NILGA and North Down Borough Council

The Minister of the Environment briefed the Committee and answered members’ questions on the Local Government Reform Programme.

The main areas of discussion were planning reform, efficiency savings, the need for collaborative working, a single waste authority, area plans and the possibility of introducing a fee to view open planning files.

Mr Bell left the meeting at 11.25a.m.

Agreed: That a letter is sent to the Department noting the Committee’s concern around the proposal to charge to view an open planning file and ask that the committee is kept up to date in relation to any developments of this policy.

Agreed: That a letter is sent to Belfast City Airport Watch to inform the group that the Minister agreed not to make his decision on the seats for sale cap at the airport until after the Committee has been briefed in September.

Agreed: That a letter is sent to the Department asking for a timescale for planning reform.

5. Budget Process 2011 - 2014

The Chairperson informed members that they had been provided with budget guidance and Savings Delivery Plans guidance developed and issued to departments by the Department of Finance Personnel.

The Chairperson informed members that they had also been provided with a copy of a Departmental briefing paper on their budget plans to date.

Agreed: That a letter is sent to the Department indicating that as the Minister i s keen to involve the Committee in the budget process members would like sight of the Department’s budget proposals at the end of July when they are due to be submitted to give them an opportunity to scrutinise them properly.

6. Departmental briefing on the Wildlife and Natural Environment Bill amendments

The Chairperson informed members that they had been with an explanatory note from Mr Weir on the proposed amendments.

Agreed: That this item is deferred for discussion at the meeting on 9 September 2010 when the Department will be able to brief on the ASSI amendments.

7. Chairperson’s Business

Mr Beggs declared an interest as a member of the Carrickfergus Road Safety Committee.

The Chairperson informed members that they had been provided with an amended copy of the Committee’s response on the Road Safety Strategy Consultation.

Agreed: That the suggested amendments from members are made.

Agreed: That a visit to the Road Safety Authority is arranged.

Agreed: That Assembly Research is asked to provide a paper on the role and functions of the RSA.

Agreed: That the response is forwarded to the DFP Committee as part of their inquiry into the cost of insurance in Northern Ireland.

8. Matters Arising

The Chairperson informed members that they had been provided with a Departmental reply to Committee queries on Belfast City Airport.

Agreed: That Assembly Research is asked provide information on EU guidelines on City airports.

Agreed: That a briefing from the Civil Aviation Authority is arranged for a future meeting.

Membersnoted a Departmental reply to Committee queries on funding to Community Places.

The Chairperson informed membersthat they had been provided with a Departmental reply to Committee queries on the regulation of tyre depots.

Agreed: That a letter is sent to the Department asking for further information on the extent of auditing of tyre depots that takes place, how many tyres are currently stored in tyre depots across Northern Ireland and how many are currently recycled. Also, if the Department has ever thought of branding tyres so that illegally dumped tyres can be traced back and how much money was collected through the environmental disposal charge for tyres lost in fires in storage depots this year.

Membersnoted a Departmental reply to Committee queries on the Waste and Contaminated Land Bill.

Mr Beggs declared an interest as his father is the owner of a landfill site.

Membersnoted a Departmental reply to Committee queries on the NIEA Business Plan 2010 – 2011.

The Chairperson informed membersthat they had been provided with a Departmental reply to Committee queries on the Knock Golf Club planning application and with a reply on the Committee’s call for the Minister to reconsider his decision not to instigate a review.

Mr Bell rejoined the meeting at 12.06p.m.

MrKinahan left the meeting at 12.08p.m.

Agreed: That a letter is sent to the Minister conveying members’ disappointment with this decision and to ask that the decision is recorded in a formal letter to the Committee.

The Chairperson informed membersthat they had been provided with a copy of the Planning Service Business Plan 2010 – 2011.

Agreed: That a letter is sent to the Department asking how Planning Service is going to deal with all the cases under PPS 21 that where formally deferred and have now been refused. Members would also like to know the numbers of approvals/refusals that were referred under PPS21.

The Chairperson informed membersthat they have been provided with a Ministerial reply to Committee queries on building accreditation for road safety into the grant making process.

Agreed: That Assembly Research is asked to provide a paper on the numbers of young people engaged in sports in Northern Ireland in the age group of 17-24.

The Chairperson informed membersthat they have been provided with a draft Committee reply to the CAL Committee regarding coastline planning.

Agreed: That the response is issued.

The Chairperson informed membersthat they had been provided with a copy of the DVA Corporate and Business Plan 2010 – 2013.

Mr Kinahan rejoined the meeting at 12.26p.m.

Agreed: That a letter is sent to the Department noting that whilst on the visit to DVA Coleraine members were told of a review of DVA services in Northern Ireland taking place. Members would like to know who is conducting this review, at what level it is being carried out and when it will be completed.

The Chairperson informed membersthat they had been provided with a Departmental reply to Committee queries on EU funding opportunities.

Agreed: That a letter is sent to DFP asking for more information on the funding structure at a regional level.

9. High Hedges Bill

The Chairperson informed members that they had been provided with copies of the submissions received to date on the Bill.

Agreed: That Committee staff contact organisations over the summer recess with a view to briefing the Committee in October.

10. Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Bill

The Chairperson informed members that they had been provided with a draft motion to extend the Committee Stage of the Bill up to Christmas Recess, a draft public notice and a draft stakeholder list and a copy of the delegated powers of the Bill.

Agreed: That the motion to extend is lodged with the Business Office.

Agreed: That the public notice is placed in the 3 main newspapers.

Agreed: That letters asking for submissions on the Bill are sent to the main stakeholders.

Agreed: That the delegated powers memorandum is forwarded to the Examiner of Statutory Rules for comment.

Agreed: That a memo is sent to the Committee for Regional Development and Department of Regional Development asking for comments on the Bill.

11. Waste and Contaminated Land Bill

Members noted a copy of the Flytipping Protocol in England and Wales for information.

Members noted a proposed amendment to Article 4 of the Waste and Contaminated Land Order from Banbridge District Council and agreed to discuss the amendment at a future meeting when the Waste and Contaminated Land Bill was on the agenda.

12. Consultations

Consultation on proposed regulations requiring replacement tyres on motor vehicles to comply with European noise limits

Agreed: That a synopsis of responses to the consultation is requested.

DFT consultation on powers to stop commercial vehicles for inspection at the roadside

Agreed: That a synopsis of responses to the consultation is requested.

13. Correspondence

A letter from John Armstrong (Managing Director, Construction Employers Federation) requesting the opportunity to brief the Committee regarding a number of issues concerning the construction industry at present.

Agreed: That a letter is sent to the Federation asking for more information on for their areas of concern and their solutions to the problems.

A letter from the Clerk to the Health Committee requesting the DOE’s views on the Safeguarding Board Bill.

Agreed: That the letter is forwarded to the Department.

A Copy of the five action plans developed under the work programme of the Ministerial Sub-Committee on Children and Young People.

Agreed: That the correspondence is forwarded to the Department for comment on how it plans to progress the actions on road safety.

A Request to allow a copy of the Committee leaflet for the Balmoral Show, May 2010 to be placed on the Committee website.

Agreed: That the leaflet is placed on the website.

Letter from the CAL Committee in relation to publicly owned art.

Agreed: That the letter is forwarded to the Department for comment.

Members noted the following correspondence:

NILGA weekly update, issue 8.

Documents regarding the Europe 2020 Strategy and the European Commission Work Programme.

15. Any other business

The Chairperson informed members that it is possible to meet during summer recess should an emergency arise that cannot wait until the next scheduled meeting in September and that it is intended there will be one distribution of correspondence at the end of July unless a matter is deemed to be more urgent, in which case it will be circulated immediately round members electronically.

Agreed: That the Chairperson/deputy Chairperson are delegated authority to deal with non-routine/contentious freedom of information requests during recess.

16. Date, time and place of next meeting

The next meeting will be held on Thursday 09 September 2010 at 10.00a.m in Room 144, Parliament Buildings.

The Chairperson adjourned the meeting at 12.47p.m.

Cathal Boylan
Chairperson, Committee for the Environment
2 September 2010

24 June 10 / Menu