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Mr Paul Maskey (Deputy Chairperson)
Mr Leslie Cree
Ms Jennifer McCann
Mr Simon Hamilton
Mr Robin Newton
Mr Alan McFarland
Dr Alasdair McDonnell MP
Mr Sean Neeson

In Attendance:
Mr Lucia Wilson (Assembly Clerk)
Mr Stephen White (Clerical Supervisor)
Mr Jim Nulty (Clerical Officer)

Mr Mark Durkan (Chairperson)
Mr David Simpson MP

The Deputy Chairperson opened the meeting at 10.36am in public session.

  1. Apologies

Apologies are detailed above.

  1. Declaration of Interests

There were no new interests declared.

  1. Draft Minutes of Meeting held on 6 December

Agreed - the draft minutes were agreed as amended to include image rights on the Giants Causeway. Agreed: That the minutes of the Committee meeting, held on 29 November, would be considered at a later date.

  1. Matters Arising from the Meeting held on 6 December 2007

Members noted the draft terms of reference for a review into credit unions.

Agreed - the Clerk would review the draft terms of reference and present to the Committee after the Christmas recess.

  1. Briefing from the Consumer Council for Northern Ireland on the draft Corporate Plan 2008-2011

Ms Eleanor Gill (Chief Executive, CCNI) and Ms Donna Magee (Head of Corporate Services CCNI) joined the meeting at 10.40am. They gave a briefing to the Committee on their draft Corporate Plan 2008-2011.

Key issues discussed included challenges to the work of the Consumer Council, priority issues and targets to monitor progress. The Council also highlighted the need to ensure value for money while representing all consumers.

Agreed – Members agreed the Consumer Council draft Corporate Plan 2008-2011.

Agreed – The Clerk would seek clarification on the Councils role in relation to its education and skills role, particularly in relation to the schools curriculum.

Mr McDonnell joined the meeting at 10.51am
Consumer Council Officialsleft the meeting at 11.11am.
Mr McDonnell left the meeting at 11.11am
Mr McDonnell returned to the meeting at 11.13am

  1. Briefing from DETI Officials on the draft DETI Corporate Plan 2008-2011

Mr Noel Lavery, (DETI Deputy Secretary), Mr Graeme Hutchinson, (DETI Senior Principal Economist) and Ms Fiona Hepper, (Head of DETI Strategic Policy Division) joined the meeting at 11.17am. The Officials briefed the Committee on the draft DETI Corporate Plan 2008-2011.

Key issues discussed included reducing the productivity gap and strengthening economic responsibilities which are shared with other stakeholders.

The Department agreed to write to the Committee on a number of points raised by Members.

Mr Neeson joined the meeting at 11.33am
Mr McFarland left the meeting at 11.46am
Mr McFarland returned to the meeting at 11.48am
Ms McCann left the meeting at 11.58am
Ms McCann returned to the meeting at 12.00pm
DETI Officials left the meeting at 12.00pm.

  1. Briefing from Invest NI Officials on draft Invest NI Corporate Plan 2008-2011

Mr Leslie Morrison, (Chief Executive INI), Mr Colin Lewis, (Director of Corporate Services INI), and Mr Damian McAuley, (Corporate Services INI) joined the meeting at 12.01pm to brief the Committee on the draft Invest NI Corporate Plan 2008-2011.

Key issues discussed included reducing economic inactivity,Invest NI’s strategy and also the need to increase business-spend on research and development.

Mr Hamilton left the meeting at 12.01pm
Mr Hamilton returned to the meeting at 12.05pm
Mr McDonnell left the meeting at 12.10pm

DETI Officials agreed to write to the Committee on a number of points raised by Members.

DETI Officials left the meeting at 12.52pm.

  1. Briefing from Research and Library Service on the EIA Directive for Offshore Electricity Developments

Mr Aidan Stennett, (Research and Library Service) joined the meeting at 12.52pm to discuss a research paper on Offshore Electricity.

The Committee was briefed on the implementation of the environmental impact assessment for offshore electricity developments in Northern Ireland alongside proposals to reduce the threshold of wind and water generation developments requiring an impact assessment from 10 megawatts to 100 megawatts.

Mr Stennett left the meeting at 1.00pm

  1. Briefing DETI Officials on the UK Energy Bill

Ms Jenny Pyper, (Head of DETI Energy Division), Ms Barbara Swann, (DETI Energy Division) and Ms Olivia Martin (DETI Energy Division) joined the meeting at 1.00pm. Officials briefed the Committee on the current status of the UK Energy Bill.

Key issues discussed included the Gas (NI) Order 1996 for Offshore Gas Unloading and Storage within NI Territorial Waters, the disapplication of the Food & Environmental Protection Act (FEPA), licensing in NI territorial waters, environmental controls and protection. The Committee was briefed on the proposed extension to Northern Ireland of certain provisions of the UK Energy Bill via a Legislative Consent Motion (LCM).

Agreed - The Committee was content with the recommendations proposed by the Department and agreed that a LCM would be appropriate.

DETI Officials left the meeting at 1.10pm.

  1. Briefing DETI Officials on the Implementation of the Environmental Impact Assessment Directive for Offshore Electricity Developments

Ms Jenny Pyper, (Head of DETI Energy Division) Mr Paul Dolaghan, (DETI Energy Division) and Mr Stephen Rea, (DETI Energy Division) joined the meeting at 1.11pm. Officials briefed the Committee on the EIA Directive.

Key issues discussed included the GB regulations, departmental consent, types of offshore renewable energy available and the environmental impact of offshore energy generation.

Agreed - The Committee was content with the proposals contained in the consultation document.

DETI Officials left the meeting at 1.15pm

Mr Cree left the meeting at 1.15pm .

  1. Subordinate Legislation.

Members considered information on SL1 – Carriage of Dangerous Goods & Use of Transportable Equipment regulations (NI) 2007.

Agreed - That the Committee had no comment to make at this stage .

  1. Any Other Business

Members noted that Sue Ramsey, Chair of the DEL Committee has requested an informal meeting with the Chair and Deputy Chair to discuss potential areas of interest in the draft Budget and draft PfG.

Agreed - members agreed to the meeting

Agreed - members agreed to forward the concerns of Firmus Energy in a supplementary note to the Committee for Finance and Personnel and respond to Firmus advising them of this action.

Members noted that the Chair and Deputy Chair had are meeting Northern Ireland Energy Agency on Monday 17 th December 2007 and will report back to the Committee after Christmas recess .

Agreed - Members agreed to the meeting.

  1. Date, Time and Place of Next Meeting

The next meeting will be held on Thursday, 10 January 2008 in Room 21, Parliament Buildings.

The Deputy Chairperson adjourned the meeting at 1.18pm.

Mr Paul Maskey
Deputy Chairperson
Committee for Enterprise, Trade and Investment

December 2007

06 December 2007 / Menu