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Mr E ONeill (Chairperson)
Dr I Adamson
Mr I Davis
Mr D Hilditch
Mr K McCarthy
Mr E McMenamin
Mr J Shannon
Mr J Wilson

Mrs M Nelis (Deputy Chairperson)
Mr F Agnew

In attendance:
Ms L Gordon (Clerk)
Mrs L Gregg (Assistant Clerk)
Ms M Higgins (Administrative Support)
Miss L Colhoun (Administrative Support)

In attendance at 10:30am to discuss the Committee's recommendation in the Inland Fisheries Report that "Consideration should be given to ways in which water samples taken by properly trained voluntary bailiffs could be used as evidence in the prosecution of polluters" and to discuss the Fisheries Conservancy Board's involvement in the incident of fish escaping at the Northern Salmon Fish Farm at Glenarm on 21 August 2001: Fisheries Conservancy Board - Ms Karen Simpson, Chief Executive and Mr Brian Finn, Deputy Chief Executive.

The meeting opened, in public, at 10:20am.

1. Chairperson's business

1.1. The Chairperson drew members' attention to a letter about the 2002/03 Draft Budget from the Deputy Chairperson of the Finance and Personnel Committee. Members were asked to note the budget timetable attached and to be aware that the Minister and officials will attend the Committee's meeting on 11 October 2001 to discuss the Department's allocations.

1.2. Members agreed that the Committee would consider a response to the consultation paper on Audit and Accountability in the Public Sector that was circulated by the Minister of Finance and Personnel.

2. Minutes of the meeting of 20 September 2001

2.1 Minutes of the meeting of 20 September 2001 were agreed.

3. Matters arising

3.1. Paragraph 6.2 - The Committee Clerk reported on the information provided by Carrickfergus Borough Council regarding the Knight Ride.

4. Sports Council Lottery Fund - Committee Representation at NI Steering Group Meeting

4.1. The Committee discussed the invitation from the Sports Council Lottery Fund for the Committee to nominate a representative to attend the Sports Council Lottery Fund Strategy Steering Group meeting on 1 October 2001 and agreed that it would not be appropriate to do so.

Mr Shannon joined the meeting at 10:40am.

5. Fisheries Conservancy Board

5.1. The Committee and the Fisheries Conservancy Board discussed extending the use of private water bailiffs to take water samples that could be used as evidence in the prosecution of polluters and also the Board's involvement in the aftermath of fish escaping from the Northern Salmon Fish Farm at Glenarm on 21 August 2001.

5.2. The Committee agreed that there was a need for a more coherent and less fragmented Departmental approach to fisheries issues.

5.3. The Committee agreed to issue a press statement and to write to the Minister to ask that these issues be examined as part of the review of the Board.

Mr Hilditch left the meeting at 11:30am.

6. Cultural tourism and the Arts Inquiry

6.1. The Committee discussed and agreed the appointment of a specialist advisor to the Cultural Tourism and the Arts Inquiry.

6.2. The Committee agreed the terms of reference for the advisor - "To structure and write the draft inquiry report (including recommendations) based on the submissions, oral evidence and other relevant material."

7. Inland Fisheries Report - DCAL Action Plan

7.1. The Committee scrutinised the DCAL Action Plan and agreed to respond to the Department.

8. Any other business

8.1. The Clerk advised the Committee about the difficulties in arriving at an agreed date on which the Chairman of the Northern Ireland Tourist Board would be available to give evidence to the Committee on the Cultural Tourism and the Arts Inquiry. The Committee agreed that this evidence was critical to the Inquiry and that a letter would issue from the Committee Chairperson.

8.2. The Committee agreed that the Committee office would establish details about the reporting group involved in the review of the Fisheries Conservancy Board.

9. Date of next meeting

9.1. The next meeting of the Committee will take place at 11:00am on Thursday 4 October 2001 at the Arts Council's Headquarters, MacNeice House, 77 Malone Road.

The meeting closed at 12:27pm.

E ONeill

20 September 2001 / Menu / 4 October 2001