Northern Ireland Assembly Flax Flower Logo

Thursday 15 June 2000 at 10.15am
in the Senate Chamber Parliament Buildings

2. Chairman's Business
3. Minutes of the Last Meeting
4. Matters Arising
5. Draft Equality Schemes
6. Inland Fisheries Inquiry
7. Any Other Business
8. Evidence Session - Agivey Anglers Association
9. Evidence Session from The River Faughan Anglers Association
10. Any Other Business
11. Date of Next Meeting

Present: Mr E ONeill (Chairperson)
Ms M Nelis (Deputy Chairperson)
Dr I Adamson
Mr I Davis
Mr K McCarthy
Mr B McElduff
Mr E McMenamin
Mr J Shannon
Mr J Wilson

In attendance: Mrs C White, Ms M Higgins, Mr J McCourt, Mr M Anderson

In attendance for public evidence session at 11.00am: Mr Cecil Thompson, Mr Bert Atkins and Mr Robin Paul, Agivey Anglers Association.

In attendance for public evidence session at 12.00pm: Mr Denis Kelly, Mr Pat McLaughlin, and Mr Lance Thompson, The River Faughan Anglers Ltd.

The meeting opened in private at 10.19am

1. Apologies

Apologies were received from Mr F Agnew and Mr D Hilditch


2. Chairperson's Business

The chairperson reminded members on the rules on the use of the Senate Chamber.

The chairperson was congratulated on the successful debate on United Christian Broadcasting. The chairperson also thanked members for their contribution in this debate.


3. Minutes of last meeting

The minutes of the last meeting were agreed.


4. Matters arising

  1. Agreed - the Inland Waterways visit on 30 June has been cancelled. The Committee would now visit Randalstown Hydro-power station, Movanagher Fish Farm and Harperstown Hydro-power station on that date.
  2. Visit to the Odyssey Complex would take place on Monday 19 June. Transport provided.
  3. Safety at Sports Grounds

Agreed - that further comments should be sought from the Department as to the allocation and distribution of the ₤20million.


5. Draft equality scheme

  1. Department's draft equality scheme and NI Sports Council's draft equality scheme
  2. Agreed - to send the draft response on the equality scheme to the Department with an additional note in relation to costs and joined-up government.

    Agreed - to send the draft response on the draft equality scheme to the NI Sports Council

  3. Draft equality scheme for the Arts Council, Museums Council, NM&GNI and the Fishing Conservancy Board.

Agreed -a letter should be issued advising that due to time constraints the Committee could not make any comment.

Mr B McElduff left the meeting at 10.37am


6. Inland Fishing Inquiry

  1. Submissions - the Chairperson reported that a further 4 more submission had been received. A lot of similar recommendations and concerns were highlighted in the submissions.
  2. A presentation to explain how hydro schemes operate has been arranged for Monday 26 June in room 152 at 12.00pm. It is also hoped that an environmental expert will also be able to address the meeting.
  3. Agreed - that Braid Angling Club give oral evidence on 22 June and Moyola & District Angling Club would be invited to give evidence on 29 June.

7. Any other business

  1. The chairperson reported that an invitation had been received from the Taylor Gallery.
  2. Appointment to Public Bodies
  3. Agreed - that a letter be issued to the Department requesting that members be notified of any advertisement for appointments to Public Bodies.

  4. Minister's diary
  5. Agreed - that a letter be issued to the Department requesting copies of the Minister diary appointments.

  6. Agreed - that a letter expressing the Committee's best wishes and speedy recovery should be issued to David Hilditch

8. Evidence session - Agivey Anglers Association

Mr C Thompson, Mr B Atkins and Mr R Paul gave oral evidence, in public, to the Committee on its inquiry into Inland Fisheries.

Mr Jim Shannon and Mr Jim Wilson left the meeting at 12.00pm


9. Evidence session from The River Faughan Anglers Association

Mr Eugene McMenamin advised the Committee that a member of the River Faughan

Anglers is his brother-in -law.

Mr D McLaughlin, Mr L Thompson and Mr D Kelly gave oral evidence, in public, to the Committee on its inquiry into Inland Fisheries.

The meeting resumed in private session at 1.00pm


10. Any other business

  1. Agreed - the Committee would put on hold lunchtime meetings.
  2. The chairperson reported a letter had been received from Mr F Molloy, Chairperson of Committee of Finance & Personnel in relation to Public Expenditure 2000/01 and End of Year Flexibility.

Agreed - that members should forward any suggestions to the Committee Clerk before 19 June.


11. Date of next meeting

The next meeting of the Committee will take place on Thursday 22 June at 10.15am in the Senate Chamber.

The meeting closed at 1.06pm


Mr E ONeill

08 June 2000 / Menu / 22 June 2000