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Mr Edwin Poots MLA (Chairperson)
Mr Oliver Gibson MLA (Deputy Chairperson)
Mrs Eileen Bell MLA
Mr Conor Murphy MLA
Mr Ken Robinson MLA
Mr Jim Shannon MLA
Dr Alasdair McDonnell MLA

Mr Roy Beggs Jnr MLA
Dr Esmond Birnie MLA
Mrs Annie Courtney MLA
Mr David Ervine MLA
Mr Danny Kennedy MLA
Ms Patricia Lewsley MLA
Mr Alex Maskey MLA
Mr Eugene McMenamin MLA

In Attendance:
Mr Hugh Farren (Committee Clerk)
Ms Stella McArdle (Committee Clerk)
Mrs Gillian Lewis
Ms Laurie Roberts

The meeting opened at 2.17pm in public session.

1. Apologies

Apologies are listed above.

2. Chairperson's business

(a) Members noted the difficulties being experienced by the EU Affairs Sub Committee in obtaining a quorum to carry out its business. Members considered a number of options and agreed that the next meeting of the Sub Committee should be at the later time of 11.00am. Members also agreed that the Sub Committee should write to the Assembly Commission, Assembly Departmental Committees, the Assembly Research and Library Services and the Northern Ireland Centre in Europe in relation to recommendations in the Committee's recent EU Report.

Action: Clerk

(b) The Chairperson informed members that he had accepted an invitation to take part in a panel discussion at a seminar on the Review of Public Administration organised by the Northern Ireland Government Affairs Group at the Odyssey Centre on Thursday, 13 June 2002.

(c) Members discussed the research work being undertaken by OFMDFM and agreed to ask for a written update on all their research work and in particular that relating to Community Relations.

Action: Clerk

3. Approval of draft minutes

The minutes from the previous meeting held on 5 June 2002 were agreed and signed by the Chairperson.

4. Matters arising

(a) Committee Report on the visit to USA: Members considered the report and ordered the report to be printed subject to minor amendments.

Action: Clerk

Mrs Bell joined the meeting at 2.24pm.

(b) Paper by the Assembly Bill Office regarding the Consideration Stage of a Bill: Members noted the paper.

5. Correspondence

(a) Letter from the Voluntary Community Unit - formerly known as the Voluntary Activity Unit notifying the Committee of its name change: Members noted the correspondence.

(b) Correspondence from the Northern Ireland Economic Council (NIEC): Members noted the correspondence informing the Committee that NIEC will submit a written response about the Review of the Northern Ireland Economic Council and Provision of Independent Economic Advice and Research.

(c) Invitation from OFMDFM regarding a seminar on New TSN: Interim Evaluation - A Methodology Document for Consultation: Members noted the invitation and agreed to inform Committee staff if they wished to attend. The Committee also asked to be informed of the time and venue of the seminar.

Action: Clerk

(d) Notice of additional meetings in June: Members noted the memo and reply slip about attendance at additional meetings on 20 and 24 June 2002 and agreed to complete and return the reply slip to the Committee staff.

Action: Clerk

(e) Invitation from SAP (UK) to attend a briefing on "E-Government - An International Perspective": Members noted the invitation to attend Senior Briefing in London on 20 June 2002 and agreed to inform Committee staff if they wish to attend. The Committee agreed that the Clerk should attend the seminar.

Action: Clerk

(f) EU Information: Members noted a press release from the House of Commons European Scrutiny Committee announcing their intention to publish a report on "European Scrutiny in the Commons", and that a copy of the report has been requested.

Mr Shannon joined the meeting at 2.27pm.

(g) Correspondence form the Committee on Standards and Privileges regarding the Committee Bill: Members noted the correspondence about the proposed Committee Bill to extend the powers of the Assembly Ombudsman to include the post of Assembly Commissioner for Standards, and it is likely that the Committee of the Centre will take the Committee Stage of the Bill.

(h) Invitation to the Chairperson to attend "The Future of Europe the Convention and the Regions": Members noted the invitation to the Chairperson and that he had also been invited to speak at the Conference.

6. New TSN

Briefing by OFMDFM officials

The briefing session began at 2.30pm. Briefing on the New TSN Action Plan, consultation on New TSN evaluation, equality and social need research, and consultation on future priorities for promoting social inclusion, was taken from Dr Gerry Mulligan, Head of Equality and Social Need Division, Mrs Harriet Ferguson, Head of New TSN Unit, Dr Stephen Donnelly, Head of Research, and Mr Michael Woods, New TSN Unit.

Dr McDonnell left the meeting at 2.31pm.

Mr Robinson left the meeting at 2.55pm.

Dr McDonnell rejoined the meeting at 3.02pm.

Mr Murphy left the meeting at 3.11pm.

The officials left the meeting at 3.19pm.

7. Corporate and Business Plan

Briefing by OFMDFM officials

The evidence session began at 3.20pm. Briefing on the draft OFMDFM Corporate and Business Plan was taken from Mr Will Haire, Second Permanent Secretary, Mrs Mary Bunting, Head of Equality Directorate, Mr Eugene Rooney, Head of Economic Policy Unit, Professor Des Vincent, Director of Central Information Technology Unit, and Mrs Rosalie Flanagan, Director of Executive Services. Members agreed that further questions on the Plan would be forwarded to OFMDFM for written response.

Mr Robinson rejoined the meeting at 3.24pm.

The officials left the meeting at 3.41pm.

8. Any other business


9. Date and time of next meeting

The next meeting of the Committee will be held on Wednesday 19 June 2002 at 2.00pm in Room 144, Parliament Buildings.

The Chairperson adjourned the meeting at 3.41pm.

Chairperson, Committee of the Centre
19 June 2002

11 June 2002 / Menu / 19 June 2002