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Present: Mr Edwin Poots MLA (Chairperson)
Mr Oliver Gibson MLA (Deputy Chairperson)
Mr Roy Beggs Jnr MLA
Dr Esmond Birnie MLA
Mr Duncan Shipley-Dalton MLA
Mr Danny Kennedy MLA
Ms Patricia Lewsley MLA
Dr Alasdair McDonnell MLA
Mr Barry McElduff MLA
Mr Eugene McMenamin MLA
Mr Conor Murphy MLA
Mr Ken Robinson MLA
Mr Jim Shannon MLA

In Attendance: Mr Hugh Farren (Committee Clerk)
Ms Stella McArdle (Committee Clerk)
Mr John Conlan
Ms Pauline Innes
Mrs Gillian Lewis
Ms Laurie Roberts

Apologies: Mrs Eileen Bell MLA
Mrs Annie Courtney MLA
Mr David Ervine MLA
Mr Alex Maskey MLA

The meeting opened at 2.08 pm in public session.

1. Apologies

Apologies are listed above.

2. Chairperson's Business

The Chairperson expressed the Committee's support for Mr McMenamin following the recent attack on his home.

Mr McElduff joined the meeting at 2.10 pm.

(a) European Union Inquiry: Members agreed that the debate and the Inquiry Report on the "Approach of the Northern Ireland Assembly and the Devolved Government on European Union Issues" were well received.

The Committee noted that the Junior Ministers required time to respond to the recommendations in the Report and agreed a considered reply should be sought by 10 June 2002.

Action: Clerk

The Chairperson and members thanked Committee office staff for their assistance in producing the Report and organising the successful launch of the Report on 8 April 2002.

(b) American University Students: Members were informed that the Chairperson met with Professor Margaret Smith, Director in Peace and Conflict Resolution Studies at the American University, Washington DC, together with a group of her students in the Long Gallery, Parliament Buildings on Tuesday 9 April 2002. It is envisaged that members will have the opportunity to meet with Professor Smith during the Committee visit to Washington in May 2002.

Action: Clerk

(c) Victims' Strategy: The Chairperson reminded members of the Victims' Strategy launch scheduled for 10.30 am on Thursday 11 April 2002 in the Craigavon Civic Centre, Lakeview Road, Craigavon.

3. Minutes from previous proceedings

The Committee noted that the minutes from the previous meeting on 20 March 2002 were agreed by 5 members on 21 March 2002. The Chairperson signed the minutes.

4. Matters arising


5. Correspondence

(a) Letter from OFMDFM about a possible presentation by the Ombudsman on his current and proposed roles: The Committee considered the letter and noted that a review of the legislation relating to the dual roles of the Assembly Ombudsman and Commissioner for Complaints is required. Members agreed that the presentation to the Committee should be deferred until the review has been launched.

Action: Clerk

(b) Response from the Health, Social Services and Public Safety Committee to OFMDFM's draft Terms of Reference for the Review of Public Administration: Members noted the response and a copy goes to OFMDFM.

(c) Letter from OFMDFM clarifying the Economic and Policy Unit's (EPU) role in the Spending Review: The Committee considered the letter and noted EPU's responsibilities. Members also noted that the Chancellor is expected to announce the outcome of the UK 2002 Spending Review in July and that OFMDFM officials have been invited to brief the Committee about OFMDFM 2002 proposals at next week's meeting. The Committee requested the officials should include a specific representative from EPU.

Action: Clerk

Mr Duncan Shipley-Dalton joined the meeting at 2.16 pm.

(d) Letter from OFMDFM responding to Committee inquiries about emergency planning arrangements in the environs of Belfast City Airport: The Committee considered and debated the letter outlining information about the emergency plans. Members requested further clarification about the specific roles of bodies and the co-ordination of incident plans for the Belfast City Airport and the city wide/province wide surrounding area. The Committee requested this information should be sought from OFMDFM and Belfast City Council.

Action: Clerk

(e) Letter from the Environment Committee about planning permission for telecommunication developments: Members discussed the Environment Committee's concerns about the delay in the Executive Committee's agreement to amend the relevant schedule of the Planning (General Development) Order (NI) 1993 which will result in full planning permission being required for all telecommunication developments, including masts. Members shared the Environment Committee's concerns and expressed dissatisfaction at the ongoing delay to the proposed legislation. The Committee agreed to raise this matter with OFMDFM to seek an explanation and assurance that future action on this issue is addressed urgently.

Action: Clerk

(f) Letter from OFMDFM about the New TSN Annual Report 2001: The Committee noted the letter about the Annual Report and also that OFMDFM is currently printing its own detailed progress report together with a revised New TSN Action Plan. Members agreed to invite OFMDFM officials to brief the Committee on this issue.

Action: Clerk

(g) Information from European Committees: Members noted the information relating to UK European Committee, which was available from Committee office staff. In addition members noted a letter from the Foreign and Commonwealth Office about General Affairs Council (GAC) agendas being passed to the Devolved Administrations or to their legislatures. The Committee agreed to seek further information from OFMDFM on how these agendas will be handled.

Action: Clerk

(h) Letter from the Committee for Finance and Personnel about the Interim Report on the Government Office Accommodation Review: Members considered the letter and noted that the forthcoming Review of Public Administration could have major implications for the Government estate, including the OFMDFM estate, and there needs to be a recognition of this in the Government Office Accommodation Review. The Committee agreed to invite OFMDFM officials to brief members on this issue.

Action: Clerk

(i) Letter from The Lord Alderdice, The Speaker about a Public Petition regarding the threatened closure of women's advice centres in the Greater Belfast Area: The Committee considered and debated the letter and petition and in particular the implications of the threatened closure of women's advice centres. Members also discussed the Committee's responsibilities in relation to women's issues, anticipated funding (reductions) for women's groups, rationalisation of the groups, opportunities for the groups and the raising of the profile of women's issues by the Executive Committee. Members agreed to raise these issues with OFMDFM.

Action: Clerk

6. Review of Public Administration

Evidence from the University of Ulster

Mr Murphy left the meeting at 2.42 pm.

The evidence session began at 2.43 pm. Evidence on the forthcoming Review of Public Administration was taken from Professor Colin Knox, Professor of Comparative Public Policy at the University of Ulster accompanied by Dr Paul Carmichael. This included setting the review in context and identification of some of the issues which the Committee may wish to address as part of its scrutiny of the review. The Minutes of Evidence will be published in due course.

Mr Shannon joined the meeting at 2.44 pm.
Mr McMenamin left the meeting at 3.13 pm.
Mr Shipley-Dalton left the meeting at 3.14 pm.
Dr McDonnell left the meeting at 3.15 pm.
Mr Beggs joined the meeting at 3.21 pm.
Mr Robinson joined the meeting at 3.35 pm.
Dr Birnie left the meeting at 3.44 pm.
Mr Kennedy left the meeting at 3.45 pm.
The Chairperson left the meeting at 3.46pm and the Deputy Chairperson took the Chair.
Professor Knox and Dr Carmichael left the meeting at 4.04 pm.

7. Committee visit to USA

The Committee considered and discussed the proposed visit to Washington and Boston during week commencing 20 May 2002.

Mr Shipley-Dalton rejoined the meeting at 4.12pm.

Members agreed the draft programme and requested further information on travel arrangements.

Action: Clerk

8. Lord Norton Inquiry

Members considered their reply to the inquiry by the House of Lords Select Committee on the constitution, Chaired by Lord Norton of Louth, about the working of devolution. The reply was agreed along the lines suggested in the Clerk's paper.

Action: Clerk

9. EU Structural Funds and Community Initiatives Inquiry

Members also considered their response to the Committee for Finance and Personnel's EU Structural Funds and Community Initiatives Inquiry. The response was agreed as outlined in the Clerk's paper.

Action: Clerk

10. Any other business


11. Date and time of next meeting

The next meeting of the Committee will be held on Wednesday, 17 April at 2.00 pm in Room 144, Parliament Buildings.

The Deputy Chairperson adjourned the meeting at 4.18 pm.

Chairperson, Committee of the Centre
17 April 2002

20 March 2002 / Menu / 17 April 2002