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Mr Edwin Poots MLA (Chairperson)
Mr Oliver Gibson MLA (Deputy Chairperson)
Mrs Eileen Bell MLA
Dr Alasdair McDonnell MLA
Mr Ken Robinson MLA

In Attendance:
Ms Stella McArdle (Committee Clerk)
Mrs Gillian Lewis
Mr Tim Moore (Researcher)

Mr Roy Beggs Jnr MLA
Dr Esmond Birnie MLA
Mr Fred Cobain MLA
Mrs Annie Courtney MLA
Mr David Ervine MLA
Ms Michelle Gildernew MP, MLA
Mr James Leslie MLA
Ms Patricia Lewsley MLA
Mr Alex Maskey MLA
Mr Conor Murphy MLA
Mr Eugene McMenamin MLA
Mr Jim Shannon MLA

The meeting opened at 9.51am in public session.

  1. Apologies

  2. Apologies are listed above.

  3. Chairperson's welcome

  4. The Chairperson opened the meeting by welcoming everyone and thanking the Office of the Northern Ireland Executive, Brussels for accommodating the Committee of the Centre.

  5. Chairperson's business

  6. (a) European Union Inquiry - evidence session with Sir Nigel Sheinwald, UK Permanent Representative to the European Union: The Chairperson informed members that the earliest date for Sir Nigel Sheinwald to give evidence on the EU Inquiry by video-conferencing would be Monday, 4 February 2002 at 10.00am. Members agreed that the Committee office staff should proceed with arrangements for this evidence session. Action: Clerk

    (b) Official opening of the NI Executive Office - Brussels: The Chairperson informed members that he had received an invitation to attend the official opening of the NI Executive Office - Brussels on 30 January 2002 at 6.00pm. As the Chairperson is unable to attend he nominated the Deputy Chairperson to attend the reception hosted by the First Minister and Deputy First Minister.

  1. European Union Inquiry

  2. I Briefing by Specialist Adviser

    The Specialist Adviser, Ms Claire Whitten, joined the meeting at 9.54am and gave the members a short briefing on the issues they may wish to raise during the evidence sessions.

    The Specialist Adviser concluded her briefing at 9.58am.

    II Evidence from Scotland Europa

    The evidence session began at 9.59am. Evidence on the European Union Inquiry from a non governmental organisation and local government sector perspective was taken from Mr Donald MacInnes, Head of Scotland Europa. The Minutes of Evidence will appear in the Committee's report on the Inquiry.

    Mr MacInnes left the meeting at 10.57am.

    The Chairperson suspended the meeting at 10.57am.
    The Chairperson reconvened the meeting at

    III Evidence from the Scottish EU Office

    The evidence session began at 11.09am. Evidence from the Scottish EU Office's perspective was taken from Mr George Calder, Head of the Scottish EU Office. The Minutes of Evidence will appear in the Committee's report on the Inquiry.

    Mr Calder left the meeting at 12.10pm.
    The Chairperson suspended the meeting at 12.10pm.
    The Chairperson reconvened the meeting at 3.34pm.

    IV Evidence from Mr John Simpson

    The evidence session began at 3.35pm. Evidence from an economic and social Committee perspective was taken from Mr John Simpson. The Minutes of Evidence will appear in the Committee's report on the Inquiry.

    Mr Simpson left the meeting at 4.31pm.

  3. Any other business

  4. None.

  5. Date and time of next meeting

  6. The next scheduled meeting of the Committee will be held on Wednesday, 30 January 2002 at 2.00pm in Room 144, Parliament Buildings.

    The Chairperson adjourned the meeting at 4.32pm.

    Councillor Edwin Poots MLA
    Chairperson, Committee of the Centre
    30 January 2002

16 January 2002/ Menu / 30 January 2002