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Mr Danny Kennedy (Chairperson)
Ms Martina Anderson
Mr Tom Elliott
Mrs Dolores Kelly
Mr Ian McCrea
Mr Barry McElduff
Mr Stephen Moutray
Mr Jim Shannon
Mr Jimmy Spratt
Mr Francie Molloy

In Attendance:
Ms Nuala Dunwoody (Clerk Assistant)
Ms Aoibhinn Treanor (Assembly Clerk)
Mr Colin Wilson (Assistant Assembly Clerk)
Mrs Linda Gregg (Assistant Assembly Clerk)
Ms Helena Maginness (Clerical Officer)
Mr James Quinn (Clerical Officer)

2.33 p.m. The meeting opened in public session.

1. Apologies

Mrs Naomi Long (Deputy Chairperson).

2. Chairperson’s Business

The Chairperson informed members that Mr Jan Winkler, the Czech Ambassador, whom we were to meet in April, has passed away aged 51. I have written a message of condolence to his colleagues and family on behalf of the Committee.

The Chairperson welcomed James Quinn as a new member of the Committee Office in place of Helena Maginness who is moving to the Research and Library Service. The Chairperson on behalf of the Committee thanked Helena for all her hard work.

The Chairperson informed members that Jane Morrice who was due to attend a briefing session later in the meeting would not now be attending due to the death of her husband. The Chairperson advised that he would write a letter of condolence to Jane on behalf of the Committee.

Committee Visit to London

The Chairperson advised the Committee of amended arrangements for travel to London to meet with the House of Commons and House of Lords EU Scrutiny Committee’s.

Agreed: Members agreed the amended travel arrangements.

Events and Invitations

The Chairperson informed members that both he and the Deputy Chairperson had received an invitation from the Northern Ireland Bureau in Washington to attend the annual St Patrick’s Day Business Breakfast Reception in Washington DC on Tuesday 17 March.

Agreed: Members agreed that the invitation be taken up.

A member raised a request from one of his constituents who runs a local business making candles, requesting that the Committee make representations on their behalf to the body responsible for the maintenance and decoration of the White House in Washington.

Agreed: Members agreed that the Committee office forward to the NI Bureau in Washington with this request.

The Chairperson advised members that he had received a request for a meeting from a student carrying out a Masters Degree at Queen’s University and is conducting research on the role of advocates in alleviating child poverty in the Programme for Government.

Agreed: Members agreed that the Chairperson would arrange a meeting.

3. Draft minutes of the meeting held on 28 January 2009

Agreed: The draft minutes of proceedings of 18 February 2009 were agreed by the Committee.

4. Older People’s Advocate

Evidence Session: Dame Joan Harbison
2.38 p.m. Dame Joan Harbison,the Older People’s Advocate joined the meeting.
Dame Joan Harbison briefed the Committee on her role as the Older People’s Advocate. This was followed by a question and answer session.
2.40 p.m. Mr Jim Shannon joined the meeting.
3.07 p.m. Ms Martina Anderson joined the meeting.
3.19 p.m. Mr Tom Elliott left the meeting
3.25 p.m Dame Joan Harbison left the meeting

Agreed: The Committee agreed to write to the Office of the First Minister and deputy First Minister to recommend greater administration and policy support for the Office of the Older People’s Advocate.

5. Equality Commission Corporate Plan

3.26 p.m. Officials from the Equality Commission for Northern Ireland joined the meeting.
Bob Collins, Evelyn Collins and Keith Brown briefed the Committee on the Equality Commission Corporate Plan. This was followed by a question and answer session.
3.50 p.m. Mr Jimmy Spratt left the meeting.
3.53 p.m. Mr Tom Elliott joined the meeting.
4.07 p.m. Mr Barry McElduff left the meeting.
4.20 p.m. Mr Stephen Moutray left the meeting.
4.21 p.m. Mr Jim Shannon left the meeting.
4.30 p.m. Officials from the Equality Commission left the meeting.

Agreed: The Committee agreed to write to the Office of the First Minister and deputy First Minister regarding the teacher’s exemption to the Fair Employment and treatment legislation.

Agreed: The Committee agreed to write to the Equality Commission requesting details of performance targets resulting from increased legislation set against resource allocations.

6. Consideration of European Issues

4.31 p.m. Dr Lee McGowanfrom Queen’s University Belfast joined the meeting.
Dr McGowan briefed the Committee on European issues. This was followed by a question and answer session.
4.32 p.m. Ms Martina Anderson left the meeting.
4.52 p.m. Dr Lee McGowan left the meeting.

Agreed: The Committee agreed to write to Trevor Newsom of Queen’s University Belfast for details of practical engagement between QUB and other European institutions and details of drawdown of European funding.

7. Matters arising
Training for Women Network – response from Office of the First and deputy First Minister

The Committee noted the correspondence from the Department advising that approval had been given to all five project applications, and that approval letters had issued.

Impact of Economic Downturn for Employment in Construction Industry – response from the Minister of Education

The Committee noted the response from the Minister of Education regarding her Department’s school buildings programme and details of their prompt payments statistics.

Northern Ireland Executive Office in Brussels – response from OFMDFM

The Committee noted the response from the Department on the role of the Northern Ireland Executive Office in Brussels.

Infrastructure Investment and SIB – response from OFMDFM

The Committee noted the response from the Department regarding cross cutting objectives for infrastructure investment and an open competition to cover vacancies in relation to the Board of the Strategic Investment Board.
Agreed: The Committee agreed to write to the Department requesting an update from the Strategic Investment Board.

Action for Children – response from Lady Hermon MP

The Committee noted the letter from Lady Hermon advising that she would be happy to support amendments to the Welfare Reform Bill.
Agreed: The Committee agreed to deal with Lady Hermon’s response as with M.P.’s responses the previous week.

Summary of OFMDFM Monitoring Round Easements 2005/06 to 2008/09

The Committee noted the response from the Department regarding an analysis of easements surrendered in quarterly monitoring rounds in the past three financial years.

Executive Response to the Barroso Taskforce Report – response from Committee for the Environment

The Committee noted the response from the Committee for the Environment on the Barroso report.

Executive Response to the Barroso Taskforce Report – response from Committee for Social Development

The Committee noted the response from the Committee for Social Development on the Barroso report.

Executive Response to the Barroso Taskforce Report – response from Committee for Employment and Learning

The Committee noted the response from the Committee for Employment and Learning on the Barroso report.

Executive Response to the Barroso Taskforce Report – response from Committee for Finance and Personnel

The Committee noted the response from the Committee for Finance and Personnel on the Barroso report.
Agreed: The Committee agreed to forward these responses; to comment on them and to ask the First Minister and deputy First Minister and the Executive to take account of the various Committee’s comments and amend the Barroso response accordingly.

Northern Ireland Authority for Utility Regulation: Social Action Plan 2009-2014 – Committee Response to Consultation

The Committee noted the draft response to the Utility Regulator’s consultation exercise on their Social Action Plan.

Response to the Child Poverty Bill UK – Pre-Legislative Consultation

Agreed: The Committee agreed to issue the response to the pre-legislative consultation on the UK Child Poverty Bill.

Response to the Public Procurement Practice Inquiry

Agreed: The Committee agreed to issue the response to the Committee for Finance and Personnel’s inquiry and to refer the Finance and Personnel Committee to the research work it commissioned on the issue.

8. Correspondence
Social Security (Miscellaneous Amendments No 2) Regulations ( Northern Ireland) 2008 – copy of response from First Minister and deputy First Minister to the Committee for Social Development

The Committee noted the response from the First Minister and deputy First Minister.

Future funding for victims and survivors groups – response from OFMDFM

Agreed: The Committee agreed to invite the Community Relations Council to appear before the Committee to seek their views on existing projects.
Agreed: The Committee agreed to write to the Department requesting clarification of what impact the increase in funding will have on the budget.

Climate change policy in Northern Ireland – letter from Committee for the Environment to be forwarded to OFMDFM

Agreed: The Committee agreed to forward the letter to the Department.

Invitation to Westminster Briefing Conference on 18 June 2009

The Committee noted that any member who wished to attend would advise the Committee office accordingly.

Sector Knowledge: The Welfare and Benefits Sector Seminar – 25 March 2009

The Committee noted that any member who wished to attend would advise the Committee office accordingly

British-Irish Parliamentary Assembly (BIPA) – Committee Report – from BIPA Secretariat

The Committee has been asked to provide comments on the “Integration of Migrants to Northern Ireland” report. Members were advised to forward comments to the Committee office by 10 March.

EU Funding and the Global Economic Downturn – letter from Minister for Social Development to be forwarded to the First Minister and deputy First Minister

Agreed: The Committee agreed to forward the letter to the Department.

House of Lords Select Committee on the Barnett Formula – from Committee for Finance and Personnel

Agreed: The Committee agreed to write to the Department requesting a copy of the Head of the NI Civil Service response to the inquiry.

Committee for Health, Social Services and Public Safety Inquiry into Obesity – letter from First Minister and deputy First Minister

Agreed: The Committee agreed to forward the letter from the First Minister and deputy First Minister to the Health Committee.

Funding for After School Services – response from First Minister deputy First Minister

Agreed: The Committee agreed to forward the letter from the First Minister and deputy First Minister to the Health Committee.

Shortfall in Funding for Lifestart Mid Ards

Agreed: The Committee agreed to forward the letter to the Department.

Quaker Cottage Teenage Project

Agreed: The Committee agreed to forward the letter from the First Minister and deputy First Minister to the Director of the Quaker Cottage Teenage Project.

9. Any other Business


10. Date of next meeting

The next meeting will be held in London on Wednesday 4 March 2009.
5.04 p.m. The Chairperson adjourned the meeting.

Mr Danny Kennedy
Committee for the Office of the First Minister and deputy First Minister

18 February 09  / Menu