Northern Ireland Assembly Flax Flower Logo


The meeting began at 10.05am

The Speaker (Chairperson)
Mr B Armstrong
Mr P Maskey
Mr P Ramsey
Mr P Weir

Present (secretariat):
Mr T Reaney Clerk / Director General
Mr G McGrath Director of Engagement
Mr S Welch Director of Facilities / Keeper of the House
Ms L Gordon Clerk of Business
Miss C McKay Assistant Clerk of Business

In attendance:
Ms Tara Caul Legal Adviser
Mr R Good Adviser to the Speaker
Ms F Leneghan Assistant Private Secretary to the Speaker

Mr A Rogers OFMDFM

1. Introduction

1.1 The Speaker noted apologies from Lord Morrow, Mr F Cobain, Mr K McCarthy, Ms C N í Chuil ín and junior Ministers Kelly and Newton.

1.2 The Speaker thanked Members for attending and advised that the purpose was to update Whips on arrangements for Monday’s visit by US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

2. Arrangements for VIP visit on Monday 12 October

2.1 Members noted the following arrangements:

2.2 Mr P Maskey raised a number of issues regarding the security arrangements required by PSNI and expressed particular concern about the searching of Members’ vehicles and offices. Members noted Mr Welch’s assurance that a consistent approach would be adopted.

2.3 Members noted the arrangements for searching rooms on Sunday 11 October. It was agreed that details of the rooms that were searched would be made available to Whips by the Director of Facilities.

3. Revision of Order Paper for Monday 12 October

3.1 Members agreed that Assembly Business would start at 1pm on Monday 12 October and that a revised Order Paper would be issued.

3.2 It was noted that Question Time would start at its normal time of 2.30pm.

4. Any Other Business

Education Bill

4.1 Members noted the offer of a briefing from Bill Clerks on the arrangements for the Consideration Stage of the Education Bill on Tuesday 13 October. It was agreed that Mr Damien Martin would be in touch with Whips directly.

5. Date and Time of next meeting

5.1 Members agreed to meet at approximately 12.30 pm on Tuesday 13 October 2009 in Room 106.

The Speaker brought the meeting to a close at 10.35am.

William Hay
The Speaker

6 October 09 / Menu