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The meeting began at 12.40 pm

Present: The Speaker (Chairperson)
Mr F Cobain
Mr K McCarthy
Mr P McGlone
Lord Morrow
Ms C Ní Chuilín

Present (secretariat): Mr T Reaney Clerk/Director General
Ms L Gordon Clerk of Business
Mr A Murphy Assistant Clerk of Business

In attendance: Mr R Good Adviser to the Speaker
Ms F Leneghan Assistant Private Secretary to the Speaker
Ms K Duddy Legal Services
Mrs M Mageean Business Office

Observers: Mr J Dallat Deputy Speaker
Mr D McClarty Deputy Speaker
Mr N Jackson OFMDFM

1. Introduction

1.1 The Speaker noted apologies from Mr P Maskey, Mr P Weir, Mr B Armstrong and the two junior Ministers, Rt Hon J Donaldson and Mr G Kelly.

2. Minutes of the meeting held on 24 February 2009

2.1 The minutes of the meeting held on 24 February 2009 were agreed and were signed by the Speaker.

3. Matters Arising

3.1 There were no matters arising.

4. Finalisation of Order Papers for Plenary meetings in week commencing 9 March

Executive Committee Business

4.1 Members agreed to schedule the Consideration Stage of the Presumption of Death Bill for Monday 9 March.

5. Provisional arrangements for the Plenary meeting in week commencing 16 March

Executive Committee Business

5.1 Aside from Question Time on Monday 16 March, there was no further Executive Business notified for that day.

Committee Business

5.2 There was no Committee business.

Private Members’ Business

5.3 Members agreed to schedule two private Members’ motions on Monday 16 March. Under the system of allocating private Members’ business, Sinn Féin and the SDLP had one slot each. The following motions were proposed to fill the two available slots:

5.4 Members therefore agreed to schedule the motions on ‘Enhancement of Debt Advisory Services’ (J McCann, M McLaughlin, G Adams, M Brady, F McCann) and ‘World Wildlife Fund Earth Hour 2009’ (T Gallagher, P McGlone, A McDonnell, A Maginness) for Monday 16 March. Members agreed that up to 1 hour 30 minutes should be allocated for each debate, with the usual speaking times.

6. Any Other Business

6.1 There was no other business.

7. Date and Time of next meeting

7.1 Members agreed to meet at approximately 12.30 pm on Tuesday 10 March 2009 in Room 106.

The Speaker brought the meeting to a close at 12.50 pm.

William Hay
The Speaker

17 February 09 / Menu