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The meeting began at 12.35 pm

The Speaker (Chairperson)
Mr B Armstrong
Mr PJ Bradley
Mr P Maskey
Mr K McCarthy
Mr P McGlone
Mr D McNarry
Lord Morrow
Ms C Ní Chuilín
Mr P Weir

Present (secretariat):
Mr T Reaney Director General
Mr J StewartDirector of Clerking
Ms L Gordon Clerk of Business
Mr A Murphy Assistant Clerk of Business

In attendance:
Mr R Good Adviser to the Speaker
Ms F Leneghan Assistant Private Secretary to the Speaker
Mr H Widdis Legal Services
Mrs M Mageean Business Office

Mr D McClarty Deputy Speaker
Ms R Flanagan OFMDFM

1. Introduction

The Speaker welcomed Mr Trevor Reaney, the new Director General, and Mr John Stewart, the new Director of Clerking, to the meeting. The Speaker noted apologies from the two junior Ministers, Rt Hon J Donaldson and Mr G Kelly.

2. Minutes of the meeting held on 24 June 2008

2.1 The minutes of the meeting held on 24 June 2008 were agreed and were signed by the Speaker.

3. Matters Arising

3.1 The Speaker advised that work had been undertaken in relation to an alternative method of selecting private Members’ motions. He proposed to discuss the proposals individually with Whips before considering a way forward at the Committee.

3.2 The Speaker reminded members that any outstanding party proposal papers, relating to Question Time, should be with him as soon as possible.

4. Finalisation of Order Papers for Plenary meetings in week commencing 15 September
Executive Business – week commencing 15 September 2008

4.1 Members were referred to the draft Order Papers for Monday 15 and Tuesday 16 September. In addition to Question Time on Monday 15 September, members agreed to schedule the Second Stage of the Diseases of Animals Bill and the Second Stage of the Presumption of Death Bill.

Committee Business – week commencing 15 September 2008

4.2 Members agreed to schedule three business motions, two relating to Statutory Committee membership changes and one relating to Standing Committee membership changes, for Monday 15 September.

4.3 Members agreed to schedule a motion to establish an Ad Hoc Committee relating to the Draft Criminal Damage (Compensation) (Amendment) (NI) Order 2008 for Monday 15 September – see paragraph 6.1.

Private Members’ Business – week commencing 15 September 2008

4.4 Members agreed to schedule: one private Members’ motion on Monday 15 September and four private Members’ motions on Tuesday 16 September. Members proposed a total of five motions as follows:

4.5 Members therefore agreed to schedule the motion on ‘Republican Activity’ (T Elliott, D McNarry) for Monday 15 September and the motions on ‘Neighbourhood Renewal’ (C N í Chuil ín, M Brady, F McCann, M Anderson), ‘Executive Matters’ (M Durkan, A McDonnell, D Kelly, P McGlone), ‘Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder’ (G Robinson) and ‘Integrated Schools’ (S Farry, T Lunn) for Tuesday 16 September. Members agreed that up to 1 hour 30 minutes should be allocated for each debate, with the usual speaking times.

5. Provisional arrangements for Plenary meetings in week commencing 22 September
Executive Business – week commencing 22 September 2008

5.1 Members were referred to the provisional Order Papers for Monday 22 and Tuesday 23 September. No Executive business was notified, apart from Question Time on Monday 22 September.

5.2 Mr D McNarry recorded concerns regarding the lack of Executive business coming before the Assembly.

Private Members’ Business

5.3 Members agreed to schedule: two private Members’ motions on Monday 22 September and two private Members’ motions on Tuesday 23 September. Members further agreed to schedule one adjournment topic on Tuesday 23 September. Members proposed a total of four motions as follows:

5.4 Members therefore agreed to schedule the motions on ‘Town Centres and PPS 5’ (R Beggs, L Cree, A McFarland) and ‘Review of Conviction Case’ (A Maginness, A Attwood) for Monday 22 September and the motions on ‘Strategy for Promoting Safety in Local Communities’ (G Adams, M Anderson, J O’Dowd) and ‘Planning in Residential Areas’ (A Lo, N Long) for Tuesday 23 September. Members agreed that up to 1 hour 30 minutes should be allocated for each debate, with the usual speaking times.

5.5 Mr P McGlone proposed the adjournment topic ‘Development of the Magee Campus of the University of Ulster’ (Mr P Ramsey). By consensus, members therefore agreed to schedule the adjournment topic for Tuesday 23 September.

6. Ad Hoc Committee – Draft Criminal Damage (Compensation) (Amendment) ( Northern Ireland) Order 2008

6.1 The Speaker referred members to a letter dated 25 June 2008 from the Minister of State, Mr Paul Goggins, referring to the establishment of an Ad Hoc Committee relating to the Draft Criminal Damage (Compensation) (Amendment) (NI) Order 2008. Members agreed the wording of the motion, including the numerical and party composition of the Ad Hoc Committee and the date by which the Committee should report to the Assembly (4 November 2008). Members agreed that the names of Lord Morrow and Ms C N í Chuil ín would appear alongside the motion.

7. Deadline for Amendments to Motions – Standing Order 15

7.1 The Speaker reminded members that the change to the deadline for tabling amendments to motions (Standing Order 15) is now in place and that an All Party Notice has issued providing advice on this matter.

8. Letter from Committee on Procedures – Joint Committees

8.1 The Speaker referred members to a paper relating to a letter from the Committee on Procedures regarding Joint Committees. Members were content with the recommendations in the paper and agreed that the Speaker write to the chairperson of the Committee on Procedures accordingly.

9. Any Other Business

9.1 The Speaker gave an update on the new arrangements that have come about due to the refurbishment of the Assembly Chamber and how these might have implications for Members. These included: the upgrading of the sound and broadcasting equipment and the importance of Members knowing how the new equipment will operate; that there will be new Chamber access arrangements from the Speaker’s corridor; and that Whips should remind themselves of the Chamber seating plan. Mr K McCarthy raised the issue of draughty conditions at the back of the Assembly Chamber. The Speaker noted the comments and expressed the hope that the new heating arrangements will help to some degree.

9.2 The Speaker informed members that he had placed in the Library a copy of a letter asking whether Assembly privilege had been misused in relation to comments made during the debate on the ‘Irish-medium Primary School’ on 24 June, along with a copy of his reply.

10. Date and Time of next meeting

10.1 Members agreed to meet at approximately 12.30 pm on Tuesday 16 September 2008 in Room 106.

The Speaker brought the meeting to a close at 1.15 pm.

William Hay
The Speaker

17 June 08 / Menu