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The meeting began at 12.40 pm

Ms C N í Chuil ín (Acting Chairperson)
Mr PJ Bradley
Mr T Burns
Mr P Maskey
Mr K McCarthy
Mr D McNarry
Lord Morrow
Mr P Weir

Present (secretariat):
Mrs C Devon Interim Clerk / Director General
Mr P Moore Clerk of Business
Mr A Murphy Assistant Clerk of Business  

In attendance:
Mr H Widdis Legal Adviser

Mr J Dallat Deputy Speaker
Mr D McClarty Deputy Speaker
Mr G Kelly Junior Minister
Mr I Paisley Jnr Junior Minister

Ms R Flanagan OFMDFM

1. Introduction

1.1 Ms C N í Chuil ín reminded members that she had been nominated by the Speaker to act as Chairperson in his absence.

2. Minutes of the meeting held on 13 November 2007

2.1 The minutes of the meeting held on 13 November were agreed and were signed by the Acting Chairperson, Ms C N í Chuil ín.

3. Matters Arising

3.1 Referring to paragraph 3.1 of the minutes, the Acting Chairperson drew members’ attention to a further letter from Mr Paul Goggins seeking the Assembly’s views on the draft Sexual Offences ( Northern Ireland) Order 2007.

3.2 Following discussions, members agreed that a motion to establish an Ad Hoc Committee on the matter should be scheduled for Monday 3 December. Members also agreed the wording of the motion, including the numerical and party composition of the Ad Hoc Committee and the date by which the Committees report should be debated by the Assembly (4 February 2008). Members agreed that the names of Mr D McNarry and Mr T Burns would appear alongside the motion.

3.3 The Acting Chairperson, referring to paragraph 3.2 of the minutes, reminded members that the position of Chair of an Ad Hoc Committee did not attract an office-holder’s allowance.

3.4 Referring to paragraph 4.5 of the minutes, members were informed that the statement anticipated from the Minister of Finance and Personnel on Monday 27 November has been rescheduled for Monday 3 December. Members were also informed that informal notification of a Ministerial statement had been received for Monday 27 November by the Minister of Enterprise, Trade and Investment on the North-South Ministerial Council Tourism Sectoral meeting.

4. Arrangements for plenary meetings in week commencing 3 December

4.1 Members were referred to draft Order Papers for Monday 3 and Tuesday 4 December, along with a notice of forthcoming Executive business.

Executive Business – week commencing 3 December

4.2 In addition to Question Time, Members agreed that the First Stage of the Building Regulations (Amendment) Bill would be scheduled for Monday 3 December. This would be followed by the motion to approve a Statutory Rule (Road Transport Licensing (Fees) (Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2007). Members allocated no specific time limit to this debate, but anticipated that it would last no longer than 15 minutes.

4.3 Members further agreed that the legislative consent motion relating to the Criminal Justice and immigration Bill would be scheduled for Monday 3 December. Members allocated no specific time limit to this debate, but agreed that Members’ contributions would be limited to five minutes,anticipating that the debate would last no longer than 30 minutes.

4.4 Members were content that the Ministerial Statement proposed by Minister of Finance and Personnel on the NSMC SEUPB Sectoral Format would be delivered on Monday 3 December.

4.5 Members agreed that the Second Stage of the Public Health (Amendment) Bill would be scheduled for Tuesday 4 December. Members were informed that no time limits were fixed for debates on Bill Stages. However, members agreed that 30 minutes should be sufficient for the purposes of indicative timings.

4.6 Members further agreed that the Consideration Stage of the Pensions Bill would be scheduled for Tuesday 4 December. Members allocated no specific time limit to this debate, but anticipated that it would last no longer than 30 minutes. Members noted that this Stage was subject to the Assembly’s agreement to the motion seeking accelerated passage for the Bill, scheduled for Monday 26 November.

Committee Business

4.7 There was no Committee business to schedule for either Monday 3 or Tuesday 4 December.

Private Members’ business

4.8 By consensus, members agreed that they should schedule only one Private Member’s motion and one Adjournment topic on Monday 3 December.

4.9 By consensus, members agreed that they should schedule two Private Members’ motions and one Adjournment topic on Tuesday 4 December.

4.10 Members proposed a total of five motions as follows:

4.11 Following discussions, Mr PJ Bradley agreed to withdraw his proposal on ‘International Development’ in favour of an Adjournment topic. Mr K McCarthy also agreed to withdraw his proposal ‘Arthritis Drug Funding’ on the understanding that members may consider it for selection in the week commencing 10 December. By consensus, members agreed that the remaining three motions would be scheduled.

4.12 Members agreed to schedule the motion on ‘Health Service Reform’ (I Robinson, A Easton, T Buchanan) for Monday 3 December.

4.13 Members agreed to schedule the motion on ‘Drink Spiking’ (S Ramsey, J McCann) and the motion on ‘Royal Commission – United Kingdom’ (G Savage, D Burnside, D McNarry) for Tuesday 4 December.

4.14 Members further agreed that up to 1 hour 30 minutes should be allocated for each debate, and no change was suggested to the usual speaking times.

4.15 Members agreed to schedule the Adjournment topic on ‘Provision of traffic attendants in Waterfoot, Cushendall and Cushendun’ (D O’Loan) for Tuesday 4 December.

4.16 Two Adjournment topics were proposed for Monday 3 December. On a vote being called, votes were cast as follows:

Following discussions members agreed to schedule the Adjournment topic on ‘Midnight Soccer in West Belfast’ (J McCann).

5. Any Other Business

5.1 The Acting Chairperson referred members to the paper on ‘Committee powers to call for persons and papers’. Members agreed to consider the paper and bring any views to the next meeting of the Business Committee.

5.2 Members agreed the draft Question Time rota from January 2008 up to and including 10 March 2008.

5.3 Members further agreed to meet on 8 January 2008 to schedule business for the two weeks commencing 14 and 21 January. A draft Business Committee meetings rota, up to and including 8 April 2008, was distributed for members’ information.

5.4 Members also agreed that the Assembly would meet in the week commencing 31 March 2008, i.e. immediately following the Easter recess, in line with previous practice.

5.5 Mr D McNarry raised the issue of Members being able to table an ‘early day motion’. Mr D McNarry was reminded that the matter had been raised during the previous weeks meeting (paragraph 5.1 of the minutes) and Lord Morrow informed members that he had raised this issue with the Procedures Committee and that they would be dealing with this matter in due course.

5.6 Lord Morrow raised the issue of a Member of his party not being called to move an amendment during a debate on Monday 19 November despite this information being provided to the Table. Lord Morrow also raised an issue about a Member being called for a supplementary question during Question Time on 19 November. The Acting Chairperson suggested that these matters could be dealt with directly between Lord Morrow and the person(s) responsible.

6. Date and Time of next meeting

6.1 Members agreed to meet during the lunchtime suspension at approximately 12.30 pm on Tuesday 27 November in Room 106.

The Acting Chairperson brought the meeting to a close at 1.20 pm.

William Hay

The Speaker

13 November 07 / Menu