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 The meeting began at 12.40 pm

The Speaker (Chair)
Mr B Armstrong
Mr P J Bradley
Mr P Maskey
Mr K McCarthy
Mr P McGlone
Mr D McNarry
Lord Morrow
Ms C Ní Chuilín
Mr P Weir

Present (secretariat):
Mr A Moir The Clerk
Mr J Reynolds Deputy Clerk

In attendance:
Ms F Leneghan Assistant Private Secretary to the Speaker
Mr H Widdis Legal Adviser
Mr P Moore Clerk of Business

Mr D McClarty Deputy Speaker
Mr F Molloy Deputy Speaker
Mr G Kelly Junior Minister
Mr I Paisley Jnr. Junior Minister
Mr T Lunn Substitute member
Ms R Flanagan OFMDFM

1. Introduction

1.1 The Speaker welcomed Mr Lunn who wished to observe proceedings in his role as substitute for Mr McCarthy.

2. Minutes of the meeting held on 4 September 2007

2.1 The minutes of the meeting held on 4 September were agreed and signed by the Speaker.

3. Matter Arising

3.1 Referring to paragraph 3.1 of the minutes (nominations to the British-Irish Inter-Parliamentary Body (BIIPB)) the Speaker sought further nominations from parties. Mr McGlone nominated Dr Alasdair McDonnell as a full member and Mr Alex Attwood as an Associate Member. Members agreed that the Speaker should write to the BIIPB to advise of the nominations made to date.

3.2 Referring to paragraph 4.2 of the minutes (Executive work plan) the Speaker noted the matters listed on the notice of forthcoming business and invited the junior Minister to provide an update for the Committee. Mr Kelly reported that:  

The Speaker commented that Committees should also look to bring forward business to the Assembly Chamber.

Mr Paisley Jnr. joined the meeting at 12.48 pm.

3.3 Members, referring to paragraph 5.1 of the minutes (Committee on Procedures Inquiry into committee systems and structures) noted the Speaker’s letter to the Chairperson of that Committee.

3.4 Referring to paragraph 6.4 of the minutes (project group to assist in planning the refurbishment of the Chamber) members were informed that the Committee on Procedures had nominated Lord Morrow and Mr Neeson to participate on the project group. Members agreed to the Speaker’s suggestion that Sinn Féin, the UUP and the SDLP should each nominate one member of the Business Committee to participate in the project group, and that the matter be discussed at the next meeting.

4. Arrangements for plenary meetings in week commencing 17 September

4.1 Members were referred to draft Order Papers for Monday 17 September and Tuesday 18 September, along with a notice of forthcoming Executive business.

Executive Business

4.2 Members noted that there was no Executive business scheduled for either day, other than Question Time.

Committee Business

4.3 Members agreed to schedule the Committee motion, which seeks an extension to the Committee Stage of the Taxis Bill, on Monday 10 September.

Private Members’ business

4.4 Members agreed that two Private Members’ motions should be scheduled for debate on Monday 17 September, and three on Tuesday 18 September. Members proposed a total of 5 motions for consideration.

4.5 By consensus, the motions on:

were selected for debate over the two days.

4.6 In considering the fifth motion (‘Ad Hoc Committee on suicide’ (G Adams and C Ní Chuilín)) Lord Morrow and Mr Weir raised concerns about the principle of establishing ad-hoc committees on matters which lay within the remit of Statutory Committees; and about the specific issue which they believed was under consideration by the Committee on Health, Social Services and Public Safety. The DUP representatives indicated that they were not content for the motion to proceed. Members voted on the question that the motion should be selected. 71 votes were cast in favour and 35 votes were cast against. The motion was therefore selected for debate.

4.7 Following discussions on whether or not there should be any Executive involvement in the Ad Hoc Committee debate, it was noted that members would be informed of the decision no later than Wednesday 12 September. The Speaker confirmed that the Minister could be called as a private member if he was not participating in the debate as a member of the Executive. Ms Ní Chuilín asked for it to be recorded that her party would accept an amendment to the motion to increase the SDLP representation to 2 members.

4.8 Members agreed that the motion on an Ad Hoc Committee, and that on free public transport, should be scheduled (in that order) on Monday 17 September. Members further agreed that the motions on fuel poverty, a heart defect screening service and school openings should be scheduled (in that order) on Tuesday 18 September. It was also agreed that each motion would be allocated up to 1 hour and 30 minutes.

4.9 Members agreed an Adjournment debate for Tuesday 18 September – ‘Maximising tourism potential in the Strangford constituency’.

5. Any Other Business

5.1 Mr McCarthy raised a concern about the way Members were being informed about Ministers undertaking visits in their constituencies. Mr McGlone confirmed that notifications he had received contained little detail about such visits. The junior Ministers undertook to provide information on the issue at the next meeting of the Business Committee.

6. Date and Time of next meeting

6.1 Members agreed to meet during a lunchtime suspension of the Assembly sitting (at around 12.30 pm) on Tuesday 18 September in Room 106.

The Speaker brought the meeting to a close at 1.10 pm.

William Hay
The Speaker

04 September 2007 / Menu