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Mr Alex Attwood
Ms Carál Ní Chuilín
Mr Stephen Farry
Mr Alban Maginness
Mr John O’Dowd
Mr Peter Weir

Mr Kevin Shiels, Committee Clerk
Ms Roisin Fleetham, Assistant Clerk
Ms Linda Hare, Clerical Supervisor
Ms Jane Hanna, Clerical Officer

Mr Danny Kennedy
Mr Raymond McCartney
Mr Ian McCrea
Mr Alan McFarland
Mr David Simpson

4.05pm the meeting opened in private session-the Clerk in the Chair.

1. Apologies

The apologies were noted.

2. Election of Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson

As all Members were unable to attend this first meeting the Clerk proposed, as an interim measure, that a temporary Chairperson be nominated. The Clerk then called for nominations for the position of a temporary Committee Chairperson. Mr Weir proposed Mr Maginness. Mr Farry seconded this proposal and Mr Maginness accepted the nomination.

There being no further nominations the Clerk put the question without debate.

Resolved , that Mr Maginness be temporary Chairperson of this Committee.

It was agreed that a permanent Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson would be elected at the next meeting.

4.07pm. Mr Maginness in the Chair.

Members were asked to note the composition of the Committee membership and the Chairperson and the Clerk introduced the other Committee staff.


The Chair advised Members that previous Ad Hoc Committees had allowed Deputies to stand in where Members could not attend. Members agreed that nominated Members should try their best to attend meetings to ensure continuity, especially given the Committee’s very tight timescale, but that Deputies could attend in their place.

3. Declaration of Interests

The Chairperson invited members to declare any interests for the record and to forward their Declaration of Interests in writing to the Committee Clerk.

4. Forward work programme

The Clerk gave a brief outline of the current NIO position in terms of consultation on the Draft Criminal Justice (NI) Order 2007 and the Committee’s role in this. He also advised that Research staff (Ms Carol Doherty and Ms Claire Cassidy) had been asked to produce a paper for Members for the meeting in w/c 3.12.07 outlining the main provisions of the Draft Order and details of public consultations already undertaken on policy issues covered by the Order. The Committee agreed that an oral briefing from research staff on their paper, when completed, would be useful.

The Committee noted a memorandum from the Clerk setting out a proposed forward work programme. The Committee agreed the work programme and that the Clerk would make preliminary contact with the following organisations, with a view to inviting them to give evidence:

Action: Clerk

4.30pm Mr O’Dowd Joined the meeting

5. Draft Press Notice

It was agreed that a notice should be placed in the local press seeking written submissions to the Committee by any interested parties. This will appear in the press on Tuesday 27 November 2007, giving a deadline of Monday 10 December 2007 at 12 noon.

6. Any other business

Mr Attwood proposed that the Researchers be asked to highlight the areas within the draft Order that may be most contentious from the perspective of the general public. Members agreed.

7. Date and time of next meeting

The Committee agreed that it would next meet on Wednesday 28 November 2007 at 2pm. The Venue would be advised.

It was agreed that future meetings will be held on the following dates:
Wednesday 28 November 2pm in Room 135 (not the Senate Chamber as initially indicated)
Wednesday 5 December 2pm Senate Chamber
Wednesday 12 December 2pm Senate Chamber
Tuesday 18 December 2pm Room 144
Thursday 3 January 2pm Room 144
Wednesday 9 January 2pm Senate Chamber
Wednesday 16 January 2pm Senate Chamber

4.40pm the Chairperson adjourned the meeting.
Mr Alban Maginness MLA
Chairperson, Ad Hoc Committee
22 November 2007