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Mr Peter Weir, Chairperson
Mr Alban Maginness
Mr Allan Bresland
Mr Simon Hamilton
Mr Danny Kennedy
Mr Raymond McCartney
Mr David McNarry
Mr John O’Dowd
Mr Declan O’Loan
Mr David Simpson

Mr Kevin Shiels, Committee Clerk
Ms Aoibhinn Treanor, Clerk
Mr Oliver Bellew, Assistant Clerk
Mr Lindsay Dundas, Clerical Officer

3.03pm the meeting opened in public session.

1. Apologies

Apologies were received from Mr S Farry and Mr A Maskey. Mr S Hamilton deputised for Mr J Spratt and Mr A Bresland deputised for Mr I Paisley Jnr.

The Chairperson invited Members to declare any amendments to the Register of Members’ interests in advance of oral evidence from the Loyal Orders. Mr Bresland, Mr Hamilton, Mr Kennedy, Mr McNarry and Mr Simpson all declared interests as members of the institutions.

2. Draft minutes of the meeting held on 23 September 2008

Agreed – The draft minutes were agreed.

3. Matters Arising

3.1 The Chairperson advised Members that, to date, Committee staff had not received any responses to the Press Notice published in the main newspapers on Wednesday 24 th September.

3.2 Members noted responses from two Executive Ministers to the NIO consultation on the Draft Order. The responses had been forwarded by NIO officials for Members’ information.

3.3 The Committee noted a briefing paper by the Clerk based on information provided by Mr Henry Spence of the Department of Finance and Personnel, following a request from Members for further information on the number, and categories, of halls that had gained exemption from rates under the provisions of Article 41 (2) or Article 41 A of the Rates (NI) Order 1977.

3.4 The Chairperson advised Members that the Clerk had just established contact with the Ancient Order of Hibernians and the Order was now considering the invitation to provide either oral or written evidence. The Chairperson indicated that Tuesday 7 th October would be a suitable date for oral evidence, if the Order chose to do so.

3.5 Mr McCartney advised the Chairperson that he had received a tentative approach from the Ulster Council of the GAA about giving evidence to the Committee.

Agreed: Members agreed to wait to see if an official request was made to the Clerk by the GAA Ulster Council. If the Council wished to provide oral evidence this could probably be taken on 7 th October.

3.6 The Chairperson advised the Committee of a written submission from Mr Stephen James of Oval James Insurance Brokers and informed Members that a copy of the paper would be circulated before the next Committee meeting.

3.7 The Chairperson advised Members that the Committee was awaiting a response from the Law Society in relation to giving evidence. Potentially therefore, there could be four organisations (Insurance, AOH, Law Society and GAA) wishing to give oral evidence on 7 th October. The Clerk was asked to inform Members as soon as possible and at latest by Monday afternoon 6 th October, of the number and details of organisations giving evidence at the meeting on 7 th October.

4. Evidence Session

The Chairperson welcomed the following representatives of the Loyal Orders and invited them to brief the Committee:

Louis Singleton – Co. Armagh Institution David Hume – Director of Services, Grand Orange Lodge of Ireland Millar Farr – Sovereign Grand Master, Royal Black Institution William Abernethy – Treasurer, Royal Black Institution

The representatives gave a written and oral submission to the Committee. This was followed by a question and answer session.

Agreed: As a result of Members’ requests, the representatives agreed to provide the Committee with further information on increased insurance premiums for halls which had been attacked, and information on halls which had been left uninsured as a result of attacks. It was agreed that these examples should be anonymised.

Mr O’Dowd left the meeting at 3.59pm.

The meeting was adjourned due to a division in the Assembly Chamber at 4.06pm.

The meeting was reconvened at 4.18pm.

The Chairperson invited Mr David Kyle, NIO, who was present in the public gallery, to comment in relation to a query from Members.

The Chairperson thanked the representatives of the Loyal Orders for the briefing. The Representatives left the meeting at 4.22pm.

5. Any other business


8. Date and time of next meeting

The Committee agreed that it would meet on Tuesday 7 October 2008 at 3pm in Room 135.

Future meetings are as follows:
Wednesday 14 October 3pm

4.26pm the Chairperson adjourned the meeting.

Mr Peter Weir MLA
Chairperson, Ad Hoc Committee
7 October 2008

23 September 08 / MENU